
[PCB Design] AD20 Study Notes 2/3

16. Object class manager: DCDC, here you can add the class of PWR, and add the power supply VCC, GND into the member list. Back to the PCB, the top layer to the bottom layer28. CrystalCrys...

[PCB Design] AD20 Study Notes 1/3

1. Setting of the schematic drawing1. Double click the edge of the drawing to enter properties, you can set the drawing, in order to table size, drawing color, drawing size, direction, label, and edg...

[PCB Prototype] Pcb design for accident prevention in hilly region

Can you help in making circuit diagram and pcb design for accident prevention in the hilly region by using Arduino UnoGreen and red LEDUltrasonic sensorIR sensorTransistorResistorLED

[PCB Prototype] Brownout Detection error on LiPo powered ESP-32 PCB

Hi all,For a project I created a custom PCB.It's a LiPo powered PCB with ESP32-WROOM-32E module, Lipo charging module, 3.3V Voltage regulator and MPU6050 Acc/Gyro unit. Charging via USB-C connecto...
  • answered Feb 08,2023
    by matt

[PCB Design] How about this layout in AD18?

Is this layout correct? Need advice

[PCB Prototype] Inductance under why to dig out GND?

I want to ask why under the inductor to tap the GND

[PCB Prototype] AD20 Study Notes 3/3

36. about power laying copperAnalog ground, power supply and digital ground, power supply is not the same, in the negative layer isolation. Double-click the isolation area to add a network.37.&n...

[PCB Design] When drawing the principle gallery, do I need to center the symbol of components at the origin?

when drawing my own principal gallery, do I need to center the symbol of components at the origin after drawing?
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List of Questions
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1