
[PCB Design] RF PCB design

I need a 6 layer PCB stackup with a low loss dielectricum to the top layer.Can you change the top dielectricum of your normal 6 layer 1.6mm stackup to RO4350 0.101mm?Do you suggest a nother stackup?If...

[Others] Stackup: Prepegs and Cores for 12 Layer 1.2mm thick PCB

Hi,since there is no standard stackup defined for 12L with 1.2mm PCB thickness I'll need a custom stackup. Which prepegs and cores can I use for this?According to https://www.pcbway.com/pcb_protot...

[PCB Prototype] Stack-Up of 3.2mm 6-Layer PCB

Hello,I am looking for your standard 6-Layer stack-up for 3.2mm PCBs. The dialetric constants would be very helpful as well. Thank you.

[PCB Prototype] double sided aluminium PCB

Hello,I would like to know some information about capabilities of double sided aluminium PCBs with both core in the middle and on the bottom.What is the stackup for these configurations (especially fo...

[PCB Prototype] 8 Layer Stackup with 3 Inner Signal Layer

Hicould you please suggest me 8 Layer Stackup with 3 inner signal layer?i need impedance control (50 ohm single ended and 90-100 ohm on differential trace)

[PCB Prototype] Stackup Layer Structure

Hi,I will design a PCB after that send you to produce.However, I'm not sure I set the stackup you produced right. The core should be the middle part, and the dielectric coefficient is 4.29 fo...

[PCB Prototype] Stackup and trace width for 4-layer RF board

Hello,I am desiging a 4-layer RF board with 50 ohm impedence control for RF signals. I need the following information from pcbway before I finish up the layout and submit the order: 1) What...
List of Questions
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1