
[PCB Prototype] I am looking for details on specific capabilities for embedded copper coin PCBs

I am looking to spin an 8-layer board with HDI / micro vias, 1.6 or 2mm final thickness, ENEPIG surface finish and an embedded copper coin beneath a wire bonded die. Are there constraints on the geome...

[PCB Prototype] what drill hole sizes should we use for ease of fabrication?

What are the common drill sizes we should use in our design? Do you provide a list for metric/standard

[PCB Prototype] I can't Find my order on PCBWAY ?

https://youtu.be/0bWVo85ti9Q part 2

[PCB Prototype] Inquiry Regarding Custom 6mm Thick PCB Manufacturing

Dear PCBWay Support Team,I am interested in manufacturing a custom printed circuit board (PCB) with a thickness of 6-8mm and would like to clarify the feasibility and requirements for such a project.Y...

[Others] How do I make a tax exempt purchase

I will be ordering PCBs for a non-profit organization located in the United States. My state taxes online orders. Is there a way to ensure my purchases are tax exempt?

[PCB Prototype] I can't Find my order?

https://youtu.be/xGh60E0MFg4 I can't Find my order? Thank You

[PCB Prototype] How to order 3 different PCBs in a project

Hy all, I have a project with 3 different board per unit.So in the ordering I can select "Single pieces", it means you will cut the panel.Then I select 3 "Different design in panel", so in every singl...

[SMT Stencil] Asking for stencil apreture reduction in the order.

Given my gerber files, when I place an order, can I ask for a 10% stencil aperture reduction? Or must I do it myself on the paste layers in my EDA?

[PCB Prototype] Do you provide heat treating for your tool steels?

Do you provide heat treating for your tool steels?

[PCB Prototype] Hey! I have written a pretty long project description for sponsorship, and my text was cut in half :(

Hey! I have written a pretty long project description for sponsorship, and my text was cut in half :(
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 4
2 Juozas Ceglys 1