Arduino Oplà Kit |
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CAM WiFi |
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arduino IDEArduino
Arduino Cloud TV Audience Measurement
All TV's in Europe have a slot called Common Interface.
In this slot you can place a Common Interface Module that typically may have a WiFi antenna.
The CAM WiFi connection will exchange data with Arduino cloud monitoring in real time and keeping track of all the channel changes that a TV viewer would perform during the day.
This system will have big interest for advertising companies that could use a champion of families and, in a non-intrusive way, collect data of the viewing habits.
With the viewing habits, the advertising space has more value and can be sold with real data analysis.
This is what Nielsen is doing with very expensive devices.
I have build a very simple way to manage the E2E integration using: CAM with WiFi and Arduino Cloud!
The project was selected for the Arduino Cloud Games 2022 and was built in less than three weeks, working only during my weekends. The Arduino Cloud Oplà kit and the tutorials on the website were incredibly exhaustive to make any kind of project.
#cloudgames2022 #arduinocloudgames #acg2022
The outcome of the project is a dashboard that you can see on the video.
You can track, every five seconds, the channel that the user is watching.
Close to each channel, there is a percentage widget, that shows the time the user spent watching this channel while the television was switched on.
The green led instead, will tell you in real time which channel the user is watching.
In the center, you can see the current time, the time the measurement started, the time the television in total has been on, a green or a red tag that tell you if the television is on or off, and finally the reset button.
All the data, is stored in a flash SD memory inserted in the carrier module of the Oplà kit. This is necessary for two reasons. First, after you finished monitoring, you can read the data in a PC. Second, in case the Arduino looses power or performs a reset, the data will be reloaded during the boot of the Arduino and continue the monitoring without losing any action of the user.
The reset button is used to reset the monitoring. When you press the reset button, all the data will de deleted from the flash memory and the monitoring will start from scratch.
Arduino Cloud TV Audience Measurement
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