BPROM Read-Adapter v0.2 (21in1)
So the new adapter support's READING the following 21 devices (Of course it also supports the equivalent BPROM's from other company's like the 24S10 or 74S287 for the 82S129):
82S123 (32 byte)
82S129 (256 byte)
82S131 (512 byte)
82S135 (256 byte)
82S137 (1 kbyte)
82S141 (512 byte)
82S147 (512 byte)
82S181 (1 kbyte)
82S185 (2 kbyte)
82S191 (2 kbyte)
82S195 (4 kbyte)
82S321 (4 kbyte)
82S641 (8 kbyte)
2708 (1 kbyte)
CY7C261 (8 kbyte)
CY7C263 (8 kbyte)
CY7C264 (8 kbyte)
CY7C291 (only 2 kbyte! - so split the 8kb dump into four 2kbyte pieces!)
2564 (8 kbyte)
2532 (only 4 kbyte! - so split the 8kb dump into two halves!)
2516 (only 2 kbyte! - so split the 8kb dump into four 2kbyte pieces!)
All BPROM's can get read as 2716, 2732 or 2764 (see the markings on the adapters) which should be supported by any programmer.
For reading 2708 eproms, you will need an external power-supply, which get's the needed +12V and -5V...just connect it to the adapter, read it as 2716 and split the dump afterwards into two halves.
Reading the BPROM's as 2716 will give you a 2kb file. Split the file to the correct sizes of the BPROM (The size of the BPROM is written above at the list of supported BPROM's) and you will get your correct dump of the bprom! (example 82s123: Split the 2kb file in pieces of 32byte each. All pieces should have the same CRC. Enjoy your BPROM-dump!)
If your programmer supports a "PIN-Check" before dumping you can have "1 Missing Pin" on some of the BPROM's. That's OK, don't worry ;-) !
Read more about the needed parts and about the adapter itself here: https://team-europe.blogspot.com/2022/06/bprom-read-adapter-v02-21in1.html
BPROM Read-Adapter v0.2 (21in1)
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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- Klaudiusz Fatla Feb 26,2024
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