Scott Schering
Sep 23,2022
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  • Nice work this need a 120 ohm resistors or not ? how i connect this ???

    Scott Schering 2022-10-11 00:14:19Reply

    I should have my first batch of boards for testing here soon.. When I get one assembled I'll post an update of how it connects. The need for the 120 ohm termination resistor depends on your can bus configuration.

    Engineer 2022-10-11 23:49:31Reply

    Okay thank your for your command, i want use "BTT EEBB42 Support CAN BUS Connector" that has 120ohm terminastion , i can Set to aktiv Mode oder deaktv with jumper....this is a exdruder side ...and dont know If i need other 120ohm on the skr Mini side ...that is my problem ...thank you for all information.

    Scott Schering 2022-10-21 03:01:45Reply

    If you have it on the same bus with a EBB42 and it's jumpered you should be ok without the resistor. THis is assuming they are both being connected to a U2C and it's 120 ohm jumper is in place. Overall you want the bus to measure 60 ohms between can H and can L ( powered off ) Just want to say that SKR board is not going to act as a USB bridge.. you will need some kind of USB to can bridge like a U2C or a can hat on the pi. This just lets you link the SKR by can instead of USB.

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