DigiSpark Attiny85
This project is an Attiny85 based board. This could implement HID directly, being programmed directly by the USB. This board is supported by Arduino IDE, and is very simple to use it. This link explain how to install and program it.
May 22,2020
DigiSpark Attiny85
2 Layers PCB 21 x 40.5 mm FR-4, 1.6 mm, 1, HASL with lead, Black Solder Mask, White silkscreen
This board contains the Attiny85, could be programmed by the Arduino IDE directly.
Published: May 22,2020
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Ayyamperumal Aug 10,2021
Jernej Chuchek Jul 17,2021
David Sep 24,2020
Rômulo Sep 15,2020
Marcelo Souza Sep 07,2020
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