MACH ONE Flight Computer
Hi, I am Rahim ?zkaymak. I am 16 and I live in Turkey. MACH ONE is a rocket flight computer featuring a ATSAMD51 microcontroller, BNO085 9DOF IMU and DPS310 barometric pressure sensor. It has 3 high current servo outputs, DRV8871 motor driver and 2 MOSFET's with pyrotechnic igniter dedection. It also has a Micro SD slot and 16 megabytes of high speed onboard flash memory. There are 2 UART interface connectors, one for the GNSS and one for the XBee. for the indications it has an extremely loud buzzer and 2 Neopixels. A connector is reserved for an external switch. The Qwiic connector also allows for endless expandability for different sensors and modules. There is also a spot on the back for the 2SMPB-02E barometric pressure sensor as a backup. A USB-C connector is used for convenience and extreme durability. For the power, there is a automotive rated connector again, for maximum durability. A limo battery will be used both 2S, 3S and 4S lips batteries can bu used depending on the power requirements. It will be used in the national rocket competition and actually, it is really overkill for the requirements.
MACH ONE Flight Computer
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- Engineer Feb 16,2024
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