Jan 25,2022
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  • is there a point on this pcb to power a small led 1w to get some grill led light ambiance ? . if yes let me know how I can connect? and how much voltage is supplied to the capsule ? thanks

  • HI Mic , nice work, just love the round style TLMs. Could you please share the boom for the round assembly? Couldnt find. I would love to try one of this, Thank you

    Mic Mic Scharf 2023-09-08 14:03:04Reply

    There are two links for the BOM on this site

  • Great that you could use this old EV644 body, and I'm glad this works well for you. This all what DIY is.

  • Hi Mic, I thought you may enjoy seeing this. I had an Electro-Voice 644 directional microphone with a blown voice coil. I replaced that with a JLI-2555 capsule, then removed the E-V transformer in the back and mounted one of your PCBs there. The only modification I had to make was drill a hole in the center of the PCB, to pass the single screw that hold the rear cap in place. That hole severed 4 PCB traces, which I bypassed with Litz wire. I also had to slightly offset one 47mF capacitor that was in the way. Works perfectly. I plan to use it for Zoom calls on my noisy trading floor — normal mikes pic up too much ambient conversation there. Thank you, wonderful work!

  • Hi Mic, do you possibly have a schematic for either of these? I mainly would like to see a drawing of what you did on the layout for the Hex Inverter board. I pretty much know what I have to do but was just wondering if you had one to make it easier to see how you laid it out. I need to tame the voltage to Vcc on the inverter as the polarizing voltage is too high. Thank You, Bruce

    Mic Mic Scharf 2023-07-27 02:06:08Reply

    Hi Bruce, this is all based on Jules circuits. If you follow the links to Jules projects, you will find the schematics. Mic

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