Tom TomDD
Aug 31,2021
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  • Great PCB. As the author of OqtaDrive, I can fully approve this board. Thanks for creating this!

  • I'd like to echo the request for the V1.2 schematic, not sure where to find it. Even with the BOM for 1.2 and the 1.1 schematic it tricky to work out what goes where, and some entries you have to guess e.g. the 1K resistor seems to only have one place to go - M(R) but that has to be worked out by elimination. I'd prefer to be sure, and testing / understanding the circuit would also be much easier. But thanks for all the hard work on this!

    Tom TomDD 2022-07-25 16:22:15Reply

    Have added a new diagram which shows component placement on the board. There is a version of the schematic on my homepage (linked below) albeit minus the motor circuit so hopefully this new diagram makes it easier to build.

    Louis 2022-07-29 17:50:13Reply

    Thanks for adding this!

  • I have just started my build of this. So, let's get the gripes out of the way, shall we? 1) I would like to suggest the designer of the project reviews their github to include the V1.2 Schematic within the repository. 2) I would also like to suggest the designer compile a BOM, So that any future builders can identify the part to the silkscreen marking more easily and readily. As an example, the project stipulates the use of 2 x 1N4148 and a 1N4004, however, the Silkscreen Markings in this current revision do not clearly indicate which diode belongs in which location if you do not have the schematic or BOM available. I was able to start my assembly by taking a look at the schematic for the V1.1 PCB, and seem to be underway as a result. If the listing of components hadn't been supplied on the PCBWay Shared projects page, I might not have been able to enable the motor circuitry. 3) I would encourage the designer to use more standard Silkscreen markers such as R1, R2, D1, D2 with their designs. Okay, so now the positive stuff 1) The design thought to make this fit in a Microdrive casing was smart, and I can see this will just 'drop in' 2) Minimal components required to build the circuit - I've been able to start assembling this with just the odd bits I've had kicking about. 3) Easily soldered together - as I suffer a condition which causes involuntary shaking of the muscles, especially in my hands, SMD soldering is something I dread personally. So I thankyou for that personally. 4) This is an alternative to the rather expensive vDrive ZX which utilises a SD Card in place of the Microdrive cassette Thanks for creating this however, once I get my hands on an Interface1 for my 48k I'll be keen to try it out more thouroughly.

    Tom TomDD 2022-06-09 16:32:50Reply

    Thanks for the feedback. I also struggle with SMD soldering so was very keen to keep it as through hole only. I made the silk screen to match the schematic that Alex put on the GitHub as thought it would then be easier for people to match up, this is the reason I didn't use R1 etc... rather DATA1 (R) to match the schematic, however I do agree a full BoM would help and would be a good addition to the site. I'll reach out to Alex who's project this is (I just made the PCB) about updating the GitHub. He has actually created a new webpage which will hopefully make it easier but is still a WiP.

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