
[PCB Prototype] Panelizing multidesign board

Hello,I have a multidesign PCB that I need to panelize. Can you please send me a PCB Panel with Tab route template?

[PCB Prototype] Gerbers for "Panel by PCBWay"?

I'd like to order boards and design a test jig and/or fixture to do some functionality tests after assembling them before installing into the device.If I select "Panel by PCBWay" when or...

[PCB Prototype] Prepare panel of small board

Hello,I want to send you my design. My board is 30mmx40mm. I would like to order a panel. What is the standard suggested panel size where i can utilize the space.Thank youDimitar

[PCB Prototype] What is your factory’s standard of panel by tab-route

Rep:For panel by tab-route, we required 2MM space between single PCB and the connection place need to wider than 1.6MM. As the stamp hole on connection place need to be 0.45MM diameter and 0.35MM spac...
Ranking Name Answers
1 Platima Tinkers 10
2 PCBWay Team 9
3 Engineer 1
4 Engineer 1
5 Engineer 1
6 Sami Singh 1
7 Staffan Ulfberg 1
9 Nithin Joji 1