Automatic roller blinds web interface
A small NRF24L01 to Wifi gateway. This project is used to control the automatic roller blinds motor project. It runs a web server which serves a responsive web interface that allows you to control the window blinds and create schedules. It also has an RESTful API which you can use to control the window blinds from most home automation systems.
Built around an ESP32.
The server is self-contained and does not require any connection to cloud IoT services. If you want to connect to something like Blynk App you will need to implement that connectivity yourself. An internet connection is only required to periodically syncronize the time with a public NTP server.
It handles time, time zones, and daylight savings automatically, simply select your timezone.
For more details, build instructions, source code, 3D files, schematic and PCB see the github project
Automatic roller blinds web interface
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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- micbanand Nov 09,2024
- ayhani Nov 09,2022
- Darren Bassett Jun 01,2022
- Anthony D'Agostino Apr 15,2022
- Engineer Feb 25,2022
- Engineer Sep 12,2021
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