Feb 28,2021
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  • Unfortunately this doesn't pass the audit for me. I followed your settings on the screenshot to the letter, and the reply I got was "Lack of top copper layer.;". I would love to order 20 of these, any help is appreciated.

    Engineer 2022-04-09 19:22:05Reply

    I had the same probem as well

    MuffinMan 2022-04-09 20:15:42Reply

    Hello, Did you find any solution on your own? Thank you for sharing your troubles. I would really love to use this.

    Engineer 2022-04-10 22:54:23Reply

    No, I didn't find the solution, PCB audit failed with the following reasons: Failed reason: Lack of the Drill file.; Lack of the top cppper layer.; Lack of the Silkscreen layer.; I might try to re-make the design myself, but there are too many things I don't understand yet about the design to do that.

    MuffinMan 2022-04-10 23:16:52Reply

    You need to specify "No drill". But in regards to the other things, yeah, I have the same issue. As soon as I find something I'll post working files here for you and others to use.

    Engineer 2022-04-11 02:20:52Reply

    Let me know if you want to collaborate, I'm keen to make use of this really cool idea too. I'm at sir_lane at outlook dot com

    Engineer 2022-04-11 17:40:16Reply

    I made a new Gerber file and it passed the PCBway Audit. https://github.com/SimonLane/Caliper_Tracks

    MuffinMan 2022-04-12 16:54:33Reply

    Oh hi, I actually just made one myself yesterday and was about to share. Great minds think alike?

    Engineer 2022-04-12 20:29:29Reply

    What did you decide to do with the ends of the rail? I see that LIMI joined two PCBs together for his DRO and so he had a half pattern on the end. I opted for joining the top and bottom tracks at one end of the rail (as it is in the original digital caliper). I don't know if it is an important detail, what do you think?

    MuffinMan 2022-04-12 23:28:50Reply

    I (think) I send you an email.

    Engineer 2022-05-05 19:31:40Reply

    It works great, calipers could go as far as 10.4m if you were that way inclined :O

    LIMI DIY 2022-05-31 00:35:02Reply

    great Job yes i made the design as rail ....

    Alex 2024-05-28 15:54:05Reply

    Hello and thank you for your job. Your Gerber file doesn't have a solder mask on the top layer. This message I've received from PCBWAY and from JLCPCB as well. "1) In file no silkscreen layer, so we will produce without it, ok? 2) Pls check pic#1, whole layer exposure copper, so produce without masnk, yes?" Best regards.

  • @Engineer and MuffinMan: which file I need to use? LIMI one or Engineer one posted on Github? which file works great? are all calipers are the same can be used? if not which one can be used? in US a common cheaper one is Harborfeight tools thanks

  • Thanks - I have just placed an order :-) I have not used PCBWay before so had no idea what I was doing, so who knows what will turn up - lol

    PCBWay Team 2023-12-25 19:40:22Reply

    Hello, if you have any questions, you can contact your sales representative in the upper right corner of the backend of your homepage.

  • Hello i msg Allredy to the PCBWAY Engineer " The PCB have Copper layerTOP Layer you also have to zoom in with your Gerber View Programs and i change it already long time ago as Top solder Mask layer....it is not a circuit board for soldering it is just a measuring bar...I ordered it twice from pcbway ..once with Solder Mask Green Color and covered with green solder mask oil and the Second was as TopsolderMasklayer... Best Regards.

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