Jul 18,2020
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  • Thanx for project and free to use gerbers! But very low overdrive on passive sensors, too low(

    Chris Ray 2024-03-31 09:16:42Reply

    It's missing a network of 1k to 220nF-> ground and 5.6k to 22uF -> ground just after the non inverting opamp but before the 3k going to the "focus" pot. Add that and it'll work properly.

  • Could you send me a wiring diagram please? I would love to make this pedal but I don't understand how is the wiring :(

    Chris Ray 2024-03-23 14:54:09Reply

    Look up a wiring diagram for true bypass 3pdt stomp switches- you can find then at places like diystompboxes or any of the build diagrams at pedalpcb or madbeanpedals etc. It will all be off board wiring to the jacks/dc/stomp switch/led. For testing you can just run 9v battery to V+ and Gnd and connect Jack's to in and out with ground and plug into your guitar amp.

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