Jul 03,2022
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  • Hi, Just a suggestion, mark where is pin 1 on the Amiga Connection side as well as the drive connection side. It makes life easier .. thanks

    MurTek RetroTek 2024-03-07 02:13:25Reply

    @Ali Kattan thank you for your interest. If you look carefully, I made numbering in the bottom part of the PCB, I guess you didn't look very carefully.

    Ali Kattan 2024-03-16 07:47:26Reply

    Yes, you are right my bad. The problem is that my PCB is black and it was hard to see the markings on the back ;) As a suggestion, why don't you at least add the markings of pin 1 and 23 (of the d-sub cable) as part of the silk screen? Another one for the pin 1 of the IDC? Again, just a suggestion; I like the design :D

  • Corrections were made about hole diameters.

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