Telegram Garden System
With this system, you can be able to monitor your garden such as soil moisture, temperature, humidity and of course you can control the water pump for irigation with telegram chat application. It use ESP8266 12E for controller, DHT11 for temperature and humidity sensor, and Capacitive soil moisture sensor. You can program this project by arduino software with ESP8266 core in it.
Part list :
5V Relay
5V Buzzer
3mm LED
AMS1117 3V3
Transistor 3904
Tactile button
Capacitor 10uF/16V
Terminal Block
Soil moisture sensor
Resistor 680, 4k7
Before you assembly it, you have to program it first by arduino software. You must have ESP8266 core in your arduino software to be able programming the esp8266 chip.
ESP8266 can be programmed by usb ttl.
you have to setting telegram bot at the first to get the api key bot. and the copy that api to arduino sketch.
Telegram Garden System
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
- Comments(4)
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- Engineer Dec 11,2023
- Sebastian Mackowiak Mar 24,2023
- Seyran BOYACI May 10,2020
- Engineer May 07,2020
- Aleksey Sergeevich Schedrin Mar 08,2019
- Paulo Sergio Batista Rodrigues Jan 18,2019
- Nguyenkhactruong1980 Dec 11,2018
- Engineer Aug 02,2018
- edy sujiwo Apr 26,2018
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