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iot-thing, universal iot development board
iot.thing is a basic module for doing your first iot projects. The module is based on an ESP32-WROOM module and it has a lot of useful features:
Current version is v1.1
Check out the latest files in the Github repository!
1) ESP32-WROOM with builtin 16 MB FLASH
2) SI7021-21 Silabs temperature and humidity sensor
3) CP2104 Silabs USB to serial UART interface for ESP32 programming and debug port
4) QWIIC connector - interface for a lot of other I2C based modules
5) RGB LED and button
6) Relay that can handle up to 16A
7) USB-C interface for communication and power
8) 4 LED Strips can be connected via screwterminals, port is levelshifted, onboard fuse
iot-thing, universal iot development board
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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- Engineer May 21,2024
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