PCB Prototype the Easy Way

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The are some pads out of the board outline


We cannot confirm if you need plated edge to be made or not according to your design.


A: If you need to do edge plating, pls choose it when you order online, also it is better that sign the edge plating position in your file, like the following pics shows.


B: Ignore the pad that is out of the board outline. Just make those inside the board outline. There will be some burrs around it.

C: Cut the copper in the fabrication. The distance between the copper and board outline will be enlarged to 0.25mm.


Last updated on 28/05/2019
Comments (2)
This message here is only a suggestion supplement to the above content, and does not for trading operations such as orders. If you have any urgent questions or order issues, please contact your sales rep.
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  • i have an issue with tracking a 50 Ohm impedance track for my antenna. can pcbway do this 1 track for me with correct impedance based on your pcb fabrication, in the top left of attached pdf is an antenna trackwork this needs to be 50 ohm. i can send gerbers if it helps thanks tony

    PCBWay Team 2023-10-06 09:15:18Reply

    Yes, we can give you a recommended line width and line spacing based on your impedance requirements. You can contact the sale representative at the backend of your homepage and send the Gerber to her, and she will help you. Or you can upload your Gerber directly on the pricing page and put your impedance requirements in the document. Our engineers will check it for you. If there are any questions, your sale representative will contact you.
