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Printed circuit board materials

What is PCB?

A printed circuit board (PCB)mechanically supports and electricallyconnects electronic components usingconductive tracks, pads and otherfeatures etched from copper sheetslaminated onto a non-conductivesubstrate. Components are generallysoldered on the PCB.-

Printed circuit boards are used in all but the simplest electronic products. They are also used in some electrical products, such as passive switch boxes.

The basepcb material (CCL-Copper Clad Laminate) is a composite material that composed of dielectric layer (Resin, glass fiber) and high-purity conductor (copper foil).

pcb inkpcb meterial type

PCB material classification:

1. classification according to reinforced materials (the most commonly way)    

   a. Paper board(FR-1, FR-2, FR-3)
   b. Epoxy Glass Cloth (FR-4, FR-5)
   c. Composite board (CEM-1, CEM-3)
   d. HDI board (RCC-Resin Coated Coppe)
   e. Special board (metal board, ceramic board, etc.)

2. classification according to the different types of resin
   a. Epoxy resin
   b. Polyester resin
   c. PI resin (polyimide)

3. classification according to flame retardant properties
   a. Flame retardant (UL94-VO, UL94-V1)
   b. Non-flame retardant (UL94-HB level)

The follow shows the very best that PCBWay can offer, but here the supply chain or sourcing options is limited and ensure quality this means that Some uncommonly used materials are sometimes out of stock.The yellow and red font represent that the materials are not regular preparation materials. Green is the newly added material. We need to consult the materials supplier to affirm whether they are in stock. And some of them need to be purchased from abroad, the delivery time will be extended or even come to the situation of out of stock. Any questions, feel free to consult your sales representatives.

Quick-turn/Standard PCB Material list


PCB Prototype capacity (area < 1㎡)

Small and medium batch (area > 1㎡)

General   Tg FR4

Shengyi S1141, Kingboard KB6160A, GDM GF212

Shengyi S1141, Kingboard KB6160A, GDM GF212


Tg FR4

Shengyi S1150G , Kingboard KB6165F, Kingboard KB6165G (halogen-free)

Shengyi S1150G, Kingboard KB6165F, Kingboard KB6165G (halogen-free)


Tg FR4

Shengyi S1165 (halogen-free), Kingboard KB6167G (halogen-free), Kingboard KB6167F

Shengyi S1165 (halogen-free), Kingboard KB6167G (halogen-free), Kingboard KB6167F


GDM GL12,GL22 CS-AL-88/89 AD2, JQ-143 1-8 layer mixed FR-4,BOYU AL-01-B10/B15/B30

GDM GL12,GL22 CS-AL-88/89 AD2, JQ-143 1-8 layer mixed FR-4,BOYU AL-01-B10/B15/B30

Advanced PCB Material list

ItemsPCB Prototype capacity (area < 1)Small and medium batch (area > 1)
General Tg FR4shengyi S1141, Kingboard KB6160A, black core, EM825, EM827shengyi S1141, black core
High-Tg Halogen-freeshengyi S1170G Halogen-free TG170,TU-862 HF TG170 shengyi    S1170G Halogen-free TG170,TU-862 HF TG170 
Medium Tg Halogen-freeshengyi S1150G Halogen-free TG150, Panasonic R-1566shengyi S1150G Halogen-free TG150
High Halogen-free CTIshengyi S1151G( CTI≥600V)shengyi S1151G( CTI≥600V)
High CTIshengyi S1600( CTI≥600V)  Kingboard KB6160C

shengyi S1600( CTI≥600V)

Kingboard KB6160C

Special Material(High low temperature)shengyi SH260, ARLON85Nshengyi SH260
High Tg FR4S1000-2, S1000-2M, IT180A, VT-47, VT-901(TG250)  S1000-2, S1000-2M, IT180A, VT-47
Ceramic powder filled high frequencyRogers4003, Rogers4350, Arlon25N,shengyi S7136Rogers4350, Rogers4003,shengyi S7136
PTFE high frequency material:Rogers, Taconic, Arlon,Taizhou wangling, Teflon seriesRogers, Taconic, Arlon,Taizhou wangling
High Frequency PCB PPRO4450 0.1mm,shengyi  Synamic6,RO4450 0.1mm, shengyi s6
High Speed( 1-5G)MEG4,Tu-862,Tu-662, Tu-768, S7038, S1165, Isola-FR408HR, Isola-FR406,EMC TW -EM370,EM828G IT170GRANP175FM(Nanya)MEG4, Tu-862, Tu-662, Tu-768,S7038, S1165, Isola-FR408HR, Isola-FR406,EMC TW -EM370, EM828GIT170GRA,NP175FM(Nanya)
High Speed( 5-10G)MEG4,Tu-872, N4000-13, M4, Tu-863(Halogen-free),Synamic4, EM-888, I-Speed(Isola) N4800-20SI(Nelco) IT-958GMEG4,Tu-872, N4000-13, M4, Tu-863(Halogen-free),Synamic4, EM-888, I-Speed(Isola) N4800-20SI(Nelco) IT-958G
High Speed( 10-25G)MEG6, Tu-883,shengyi Synamic6, Meteorwave1000/2000/3000(Nelco), EM-891(EMC TW),EM-888K, IT-968, I-Tera MT40(Isola)MEG6, Tu-883,shengyi Synamic6, Meteorwave1000/2000/3000(Nelco), EM-891(EMC TW), EM-888K, IT-968 I-Tera MT40(Isola)
High Speed(>25G)MEG7, Tu-933,Meteorwave4000( Nelco), IT-988, Tachyon 100G(Isola)MEG7, Tu-933,Meteorwave4000( Nelco), IT-988 Tachyon 100G(Isola)
High Frequency PCB DK 2.2-2.25RO5880, TLY-5(Taconic) SCGA-500    GF220(shengyi), F4BK225/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.33RO5870, TLY-3(Taconic)/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.45TLX-0(Taconic), TLT-0(Taconic)/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.5-2.55AD250(Arlon), TLT-9(Taconic), TLY-9(Taconic); SCGA-500 GF255(shengyi), TLT-8(Taconic), TLY-8(Taconic), F4B255/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.6-2.65TLT-7(Taconic), TLY-7(Taconic); TLT-6(Taconic), TLY-6(Taconic), SCGA-500 GF265(shengyi), F4B265/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.7-2.75AD270(Arlon); TLC-27(Taconic)/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.92-2.94RO6002, CLTE( Arlon)/
High Frequency PCB DK 2.95AD295(Arlon), TLE-95(Taconic)/
High Frequency PCB DK 3.0SCGA-500    GF300(AR-320(Arlon), (Taconic), TLC-30(Taconic), RO3203, F4BK300
High Frequency PCB DK 3.2-3.28AD320(Arlon), AR-320(Arlon), TLC-32(Taconic);TMM-3( Rogers);25N(Arlon)/
High Frequency PCB DK 3.37-3.3825FR(Arlon), Ro4003/
High Frequency PCB DK 3.48-3.5RO4350, RO4835, AR-350(Arlon), RF-35(Taconic), F4BK350/
High Frequency PCB DK 3.6AD360(Arlon)/
High Frequency PCB DK 4.5AR-450(Arlon), TMM-4( Rogers)/
High Frequency PCB DK 6.0AR-600(Arlon), TMM-6( Rogers)/
High Frequency PCB DK 6.15RO3006, RO6006, RO4360/
High Frequency PCB DK 9.2-9.8TMM-10( Rogers), TMM-101( Rogers)/
High Frequency PCB DK 10.0-10.2AR-1000(Arlon), CER-10(Taconic), RO3010, RO3210, RO6010/

Commonly used substrate materials for rigid-flex boards




Copper Thickness(oz)


General Tg FR4
 Medium Tg FR4



0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4

Shengyi: S1000H


Kingboard: KB6160, KB6165

High Tg FR4



0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4

Shengyi: S1170, S1000-2

ITEQ: IT180, IT180A
Kingboard: KB6167

Free PCB quotation is just a click away. Click below button to enter our PCB Price Calculator, fill out your custom PCB spec, and rough PCB price will show up in the right column automatically (shipping price will be given on order confirmation page).

PCB Instant Quote

Comments (2)
This message here is only a suggestion supplement to the above content, and does not for trading operations such as orders. If you have any urgent questions or order issues, please contact your sales rep.
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  • Reply
  • I can help you, find material pcb.. Fr4, Epoxy etc
