Helloi created a custom pcb which use STM32f103 gerber files.You can see it at the bottomnow i want to use STM32F401CCU6 board inside my pcb but i need the GERBER file of core board. Can you sell it to me ?i will use it and create my own design.thanks.
Product: ESP32-WROOM-32.Application: Thermocirculator applied to the Sous Vide culinary technique.Controls: DC motor, heater, OLED display, cooler.Receives data from: Temperature sensor, water level s...
Why is there a resistor and capacitor connected in parallel at both ends of the microphone (the part circled in red)? What is the role of these two components here? Can they be removed?
The circuit board I made is powered by the USB port of the computer. I feel that the voltage should be relatively stable. Is it necessary to add a voltage regulator circuit? I wanted to add a 7805 thr...