Bluino Arduino Motor Shield SMARS Robot
Make SMARS Robot project needs a motor driver board (also called a shield) to provide additional power, and controller chips in a single convenient package. This shield make you easy SMARS Robot just plug n play with Arduino UNO. More future with this shield are built-in Bluetooth module HC-05, so you can drive motor over USB and you can upload program directly to your Arduino over the Bluetooth from your Computer (Arduino IDE) or Android phone (Bluino Loader App).
To make SMARS robot come alive you have to program Arduino first, then assemble motors, sensors and other components, so you can play and control the SMARS robot. To do all that you can use this Android App:
SMARS App install from Google Playstore
- 2 connection for 5V 'hobby' servo
- 2 connections for bi-directional motor
- Bluetooth HC-05 for comunicating and programing use (pin D0 & D1)
- Buzzer (pin D2)
- 1 connection for Ultrasonic sensor SR-HC04 (pin A0 & A1)
- Switch ON/OFF
- Compatible with Arduino library Adafruit Motor Shield
You can make DIY version look like bellow follow tutorial step y step on instructables here:
Bluino Arduino Motor Shield SMARS Robot
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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- Christian Salinas Jul 02,2021
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