Apr 26,2024
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  • Your project is not an open source project. You are trying to mislead people by claiming your “newly designed” project is associated with another project which is open source. Your closed source project was inspired by an open source project, and that does not automatically allow your project to falsely claim attributes of that project. Release the files or remove the Open Source logo. In fact, you should just pull this project because I’m pretty sure no one is going to support your beliefs. Word will spread about what’s going on here.

  • Hello there, I browsed the shared projects for things I may need or find interesting. Your design is one of them. Do you plan to provide gerber files or design files publicly? As the silk screen includes an open source logo you may have thought about that. Thanks alot for your work.

    Bora Yurtoren 2024-05-29 17:05:17Reply

    I used to do that, but after seeing my designs being sold on ebay, I decided not to make the files public. Ordering from PCBWAY shared projects will cost you the same as uploading gerbers yourself, so there is no difference.

    Sebastian Feltel 2024-05-29 18:09:52Reply

    Its not to offend you. I dont want to sell this on ebay or somewhere else. Just to tinker a little bit with it. Also PCBway is not the only PCB manufacturer. ;-) You placed an open source logo on the pcb so I naturally would expect that the design files (KiCad, Gerbers, whatever) are somewhere available under a specific open source / open hardware license. Also your design seems inspired by someone others work so I think you should follow his example and make your changes and modifications public.

    Bora Yurtoren 2024-05-31 19:32:08Reply

    I am not offended in any way. The open source logo is there because the project itself (but not my PCB design for it) is totally open source. I have provided the link for the reverse engineering process in the descript_ion, which should guide you in your tinkering extensively. This project doesn't just "seem to be inspired" by other projects, that is exactly what it is; just a new, much smaller, a bit neater and totally re-designed PCB for a long-time existing project.

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