mike danick
Oct 06,2020
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  • Hi, I'm also receiving the "no pick&place(centroid) file." error, could you help us...? Thanks!

    PCBWay Team 2024-02-21 11:07:58Reply

    It doesn't matter, many customers have already placed orders for this project, you can tell your sales representative and we can solder manually.

    mike danick 2024-03-05 04:40:34Reply

    i have retired this project. it is no longer supported. centroid file is not availabe. please use current version of my UnoCart2.6k cartridge. sorry.

  • Great Build. Just built one for my youtube used a custom firmware I found that added greater than 16 names and also other options https://youtu.be/7DsL7l1h32M

    mike danick 2024-01-02 01:27:55Reply

    excellent to hear! thanks.

  • Hello, I produced 10 pieces of this case design and I did not encounter any problems, they were all perfect, thank you Kaan Akkurt.

    mike danick 2024-01-02 01:27:06Reply

    excellent to hear. thanks.

  • You can buy the box I prepared for the cartridge at the address below. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/case-for-unocart-2600-v1-03

    mike danick 2023-01-15 12:16:00Reply

    very nice, much appreciated!

    Kaan Akkurt 2023-01-24 00:33:41Reply

    also at the address below https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/UnoCart_2600_v1_03_Enclosure_9dfe601d.html

    Gary Ogden 2023-12-08 09:15:45Reply

    I purchased the case on cults3d. However, there's one problem with the design. There's nothing to stop the holder from sliding too far back into the case and damaging the PCB. Mine slid too far back and broke the pads holding c1 in place.

    Kaan Akkurt 2023-12-08 14:26:13Reply

    Hello, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I produced more than 10 boxes and they were used to make unocart, so we did not encounter any problems. I have disabled the design and will make the necessary checks on the design. Corrections will be applied and it will be published again as soon as possible. You'll be able to get it again for free from Cults.

    Gary Ogden 2023-12-18 08:00:25Reply

    any chance you'd had an opportunity to look at the case design yet?

  • I've requested the PCB+Assembly for the project, but I've received a message regarding a missing "pick&place(centroid)" file. Could you please provide it? Many thanks.

  • Why games title_s have only 12 letters? Is it possible to have longer title_s?

    mike danick 2023-09-14 21:15:11Reply

    old board and firmware versions in the pics.

    Mike Sin 2023-09-15 18:49:21Reply

    Where to get the new firmware version for board 1.03?

    mike danick 2023-09-26 06:56:38Reply


  • I have bought the first Version v1.0 - is the BOM the same? Do you have still information of the old version? Where can i find it ? Which kind of firmware can i use for the old v1.0 ? Do you know when will be the release of your update version with SD-Card ?

    Peter Campbell 2020-11-28 07:15:11Reply

    I also got the 1.0 and used the BOM that is posted, just ignore the LED, R2 and R3. Also pin 1 for the stm is on the top left between C8 and C9.

    Peter Campbell 2020-11-28 20:17:59Reply

    Also for firmware just use the latest .hex file from github dot com/DirtyHairy/UnoCart-2600

    Skomand Broschinski 2020-11-29 00:21:43Reply

    Thank you so much for your help :-) I still have problems with microSD_Card_Receptacle_Wuerth_693072010801 ... very hard to find; at mouser.de in Germany these parts are unluckily out of stock. Any idea where can i still find this part ?

    Skomand Broschinski 2020-11-29 00:29:02Reply

    I just see they have a new follower part, mouser partnumber: 710-693071020811

    Peter Campbell 2020-11-29 21:09:47Reply

    I ordered from Farnell. uk.farnell dot com/wurth-elektronik/693072010801/memory-socket-sd-card-micro-8way/dp/2081364?ost=693072010801 but not sure if they have those in Germany. That sd card reader was easy to solder as you can just solder the 4 points on the outside then open the tray and you have easy access to solder the pins.

    mike danick 2020-12-02 08:27:06Reply

    thanks for helping out with the responses! as mentioned, all parts are the same minuse a few resistors and led, which aren’t necessary, R3 was added to allow a little better compatibility with some micro-sd cards. i was thinking of changing the hinge type microsd slot with a push/pull type. the full size board is almost done, it is working fine with the standard sd card, just some pcb hole alignment issues for fitting into the cartridge case.

    Sean 2021-01-12 10:58:25Reply

    Any update on the full size card? If I have version 1.0 can I add the R3 resistor. I can't seem to get any sd cards to work.

    goolash 2023-02-26 18:57:10Reply

    @ Sean I had same issue with ver 1.0. I could not get any SD card to work.The issue was solved by adding R3 btw. Pin 4 and 7 in SD slot (couting the pins from left to right). As aSD slot I used those cheap versions https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33013538072.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.81.90321c24eRTh8T&gatewayAdapt=glo2pol

  • The STM32F407VGT6/7 have to be programmed before soldering in the pcb? How can I program it? Can you provide some video about it? Thanks!

    mike danick 2021-08-29 03:00:05Reply

    yes you program the cart with a ST-LINK/V2 programmer. just connect the pins from the programmer to the same pins on the cart.

  • Are there any chips that are pin and software compatible with the STM32F407VGT6/7 that are available now? The STM32F407VGT6/7 are backordered at Mouser and Digikey.

  • Hello, I do read from previous comments that the BOM is available but I cannot find it on this page. I would like to order this PCB and parts.

    Engineer 2021-02-28 18:08:45Reply

    Yeah, I was wondering if it's only me, who can't find the BOM. Seems to be gone.

    mike danick 2021-03-02 21:08:47Reply

    i edited the project and added it again, not sure what is going on with the bom, it keeps disappearing from the page. i re-added it once again, let's see what happens :)

    mike danick 2021-03-02 21:15:45Reply

    it may be that I was uploading it as a csv file and not a txt file, i made it a text file, let's see what happens again :)

  • Do you have a Bill of Materials for this? Thanks!

    mike danick 2020-11-01 09:37:24Reply

    sorry, thought I already uploaded it, but it's here now.

    Sean 2020-12-09 07:17:04Reply

    Thanks for the BOM. Do you have a cartridge case that can be 3d printed? If not, I'll design one for this. Is the PCB shape the same for rev 1 an d 1.01?

    mike danick 2021-01-01 06:52:06Reply

    should be able to find a case that may work on thingiverse

    mike danick 2021-01-08 22:40:34Reply

    Sean, PCB shape remains same size for all revisions. A cart shell would be great, I'm not that great at 3d print designs :)

    Barry Nicklin 2021-02-07 20:52:12Reply

    hi can i have the bom please?

    Jens Georg 2021-02-09 07:51:45Reply

    It looks like the BOM gets lost when you update the project, that seems a bit annoying from an UX experience on both ends...

  • Just a note: When I ordered this, I got contacted by PCBWay. Apparently the pad for the LED is not connected to the trace.

    mike danick 2021-01-18 03:29:45Reply

    yep, been fixed, missed re-connecting led to ground in a change i made to the pcb, my mishap, i will be uploading fixed version soon. appreciate the reply :)

  • Hi Peter, Is the BOM correct with respect to part numbers? The ones I search for on RS-online show different values for the caps.

    mike danick 2020-12-21 21:18:34Reply

    bom is correct, all footprints are 0603. if you use the correct values with 0603 footprints, you should be fine :)

  • Dave, thought i included it, bit all the parts are the same as 1.0. i will upload the bom for this as well to make sure its available. sorry

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