PCB Prototype the Easy Way

Full feature custom PCB prototype service.

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(Except Chinese public holidays)

04:47:08, Sat, Mar 29, 2025(GMT+8)
1 Upload Design and configure parts to get a quote
Drag and drop here or select files
File size < 200 MB (3D CAD: *.step, *.stp, *.x_t , *.iges, *.igs, *.sldprt 2D Drawing: *.dwg, *.dxf, *.pdf)
You can add up to 12 rows of files. To ensure the efficiency of order review, do NOT upload the compressed ZIP folder.
Note: By default, 1. the recessed corners of the part are made in round corners(fillets), 2. sharp edges and burrs would be removed.
You acknowledged that you have read and understand our content policy and certify that your technical data and any related item are not (1) controlled under the ITAR, (2) subject to the EAR, and controlled at any level beyond EAR99 or (3) a weapon or any similar or related item or component thereto. Your files are strictly confidential, sign an NDA here.
Unit Price
Total Price
Enter your personalized quantity here.
$0.00 /pc
Design Units:
  • mm
  • inch
  • cm
  • Aluminum
  • Stainless steel
  • Mild steel
  • Copper
  • PMMA (Acrylic)
  • Carbon Fiber
Type of Aluminum
  • Aluminum 5052
  • Aluminum 6061
  • Silver white
Subject to 3D file
Standard thickness tip help
  • 0.8mm
  • 1.0mm
  • 1.2mm
  • 1.5mm
  • 2.0mm
  • 2.5mm
  • 3.0mm
  • 4.0mm
  • * Unit: mm
Selected material
Aluminum 5052
Show material description
Aluminum 5052
5052 is an aluminium alloy, primarily alloyed with magnesium and chromium. Typical applications include marine, aircraft, architecture, general sheet metal work, heat exchangers, fuel lines and tanks, flooring panels, streetlights, appliances, rivets and wire.
Material data sheet
Surface finish - 24 options tip helpDiscrepancy warning
Technical drawing:
Please note that your 3D file and part specifications selected on this screen (eg. surface finish) will take priority over your technical drawing. Please ensure your technical drawing is up-to-date.
Upload a technical drawing
Threads and
Tapped Holes:
Do your parts need to tap threads?
Please specify if your part has any internal or external threads. PCBWay will not bear any assembly risk if it is a non-standard thread, unless all assembly parts are produced and assembled here. e.g.
Please specify the standard inserts in your part. e.g.
Tolerances will be controlled with ISO 2768-1. For other tighter tolerances, technical drawing will be required to indicate critical dimensions.
No tighter tolerances required (ISO 2768-1)
Tighter tolerances required Select
Part Marking: tip help
Parts assembly: tip help
Please specify the assembly requirements. PCBWay does not bear any assembly risk if you choose No assembly requirement. e.g.
Assembly test
Ship in assembly
Finished appearance:
Normal processing traces or scratches caused during production, or subtle traces left after surface finish. e.g.
Premium (Extra charges)
Higher appearance requirements, the surface is clean and smooth without obvious flaws. (Except for the inherent anodizing rack marks). Photos will be sent to confirm before shipment. e.g.
The inspection report will not be sent out with your parts unless you need it.
Standard Inspection (No report)
  • No extra fee
  • PCBWay will do the dimension and surface feature inspections based on the drawings provided by the customer.
Standard Inspection with Formal Report
  • Pay extra
  • 2D technical drawings are required.
CMM Inspection with Formal Report
  • Pay extra
  • 2D technical drawings are required.
Source Material Certification
  • Pay extra
  • 2D technical drawings are required.
Product Desc: tip help
Other special request:
Subtotal (0 part)
VAT and freight excluded
Lead Time
3-5 Business Days
Estimated shipment: 2025/4/1
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