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Common credit card transaction information explained

Credit card "Do Not Honor”: meaning

Put simply, the “Do Not Honor” message indicates that the customer card’s issuing bank will not allow a transaction to take place. In other words, the credit card being used by the customer has been rejected by the issuing bank.

However, there are several reasons why this occurs. The main causes are outlined below:

Insufficient funds

In many cases, “Do Not Honor” is synonymous with “Insufficient Funds”. The reason for this is that some issuers and processors simply fail to deliver the correct refusal message and so “Do Not Honor” is written as a default message.

Credential discrepancy

Sometimes transactions are not successful because of a discrepancy between AVS and CVC. And, since there is no uniform refusal message for when this occurs, issuers use the default reason: “Do Not Honor”.

Potential fraud

When it isn’t simply a default reason used to describe a credential mismatch or insufficient funds, it is due to suspicious activity on a card indicating potential fraud.

What amounts to suspicious activity will depend on the issuer. In the most obvious case, it’s because a card has been reported missing or stolen. But there are other reasons a bank may choose to respond cautiously. These include: uncharacteristic purchases, transactions attempted at unusual times of the day, and purchases attempted in unexpected locations. Issuers prefer to be vigilant and reject a transaction which seems out of the ordinary. When this occurs the“Do Not Honor” message will be delivered to the merchant.

While in these circumstances issuers may display the message “59: Suspected Fraud”, they tend to translate it to “Do Not Honor” automatically. This is likely to avoid any uncomfortable situations arising between a vendor and a shopper.

Recent customer activity

In many cases, a customer will have made multiple purchases before coming to you. This means there is always a risk that they made a large purchase recently, bought from a high-risk website or had been on a large shopping spree just prior to making a purchase with you. If the shopper has been outlandish with their spending that day, the issuer may decide to refuse any more purchases — meaning you will receive the message “Do Not Honor”.

Credit card someMessages meaning:

MethodsCodeDescritionCan referenceDescrition_CNAction
All-Transaction ApprovedPayment Success, Thank you for your payment!成功交易None required.
Credit Card-Transaction Do Not HonourSorry, your card is unable to authorised. Please try  Pay again or Call your card issuer or change another card to pay.发卡行不信任1. Try to Pay again, your card issuer may accept your payment.
2. Call the 800 number on the back of the card, ask your card issuer accept your payment, then pay again.
3. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Refer to Card Issuer联系发卡行1. Try to Pay again, your card issuer may accept your payment.
2. Call the 800 number on the back of the card, ask your card issuer accept your payment, then pay again.
3. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Payment Declined交易取消1. Try to Pay again, your card issuer may accept your payment.
2. Call the 800 number on the back of the card, ask your card issuer accept your payment, then pay again.
3. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Transaction Not Permitted On Card卡交易受限1. Try to Pay again, your card issuer may accept your payment.
2. Call the 800 number on the back of the card, ask your card issuer accept your payment, then pay again.
3. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Duplicate TransactionDuplicate Transaction, Contact the merchant website to find out how to do.重复订单Contact the merchant website to find out how to do.
Credit Card-Invalid AmountContact the merchant website to confirm the transaction amount.无效金额Contact the merchant website to confirm the transaction amount.
Credit Card-Invalid Card NumberPlease confirm the card number is right or change another card to pay无效卡号1. Please confirm the card number is right.
2. Change another card to pay

Credit Card-Not Sufficient FundsPlease confirm the card has enough money or use another card.余额不足1. Please confirm the card has enough money or use another card.
2. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Expired Card/Wrong Expired DayExpired Card/Wrong Expired Day,Please confirm the card period of use.过期卡Please confirm the card period of use.
Credit Card-Incorrect PIN; Re-enterPlease input the right PIN.PIN错误Please input the right PIN.
Credit Card-Restricted Card/Retain CardSorry, your card is unable to authorised. Please try  Pay again or Call your card issuer or change another card to pay.限制卡/卡保留1. Try to Pay again, your card issuer may accept your payment.
2. Call the 800 number on the back of the card, ask your card issuer accept your payment, then pay again.
3. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Invalid Card Verification Value(CVV)Please input the right 3-digital CVV2/CSC.CVV错误Please input the right 3-digital CVV2/CSC.
Credit Card-Exceeds Payment LimitExceeds Payment Limit.Please contact your card issuer to fix the problem or Change another card to pay交易金额受限1. Please contact your card issuer to fix the problem
2. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Invalid Credit/Checking/Saving AccountInvalid Credit/Checking/Saving Account,Please contact your card issuer to fix the problem or Change another card to pay.无效帐号1. Please call  your card issuer to confirm your account is valid
2. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-General Error常规错误1. Try to Pay again, your card issuer may accept your payment.
2. Call the 800 number on the back of the card, ask your card issuer accept your payment, then pay again.
3. Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Time OutTime Out ,Contact the merchant website to confirm the payment result or Try to pay again.超时1. Contact the merchant website to confirm the payment result
2. Try to pay again.
Credit Card-Invalid MerchantSorry, Please try  Pay again or Please contact the merchant website无效商户Please contact the merchant website
Credit Card-Invalid Transaction For Terminal无效交易/终端无法处理Please contact the merchant website
Credit Card-Invalid Transaction Card / Issuer / Acquirer无效卡/发卡行/收单行Please contact the merchant website
Credit Card-Format Error格式错误Please contact the merchant website
Credit Card-Transaction Not Allowed交易不允许处理Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Transaction Not Permitted On TermTransaction Not Permitted On Term,Contact the merchant website to find out how to do.无法定期付款Contact the merchant website to find out how to do.
Credit Card-Wrong PAN Sorry, the card type is not supported.Please change a credit card不支持的卡类型Use another card to pay.
Credit Card-Lost Card/Stolen Card/Pickup CardYour payment request is declined, please contact customer service.丢失卡/盗卡/捡到的卡None required.
Credit Card-Suspected Fraud/Retain Card欺诈交易/卡保留None required.
Credit Card-Not Allow to Pay in This Website被列为银行黑名单None required.
Credit Card-Declined By Bank Risk System银行风控系统拒绝None required.
Credit Card-Authorisation Void Sorry, your card is unable to authorised. Please try  Pay again or Call your card issuer or change another card to pay.授权失败Use another card to pay.
Credit Card-Cardholder Fail to Pass 3D Authorized Service3D验证失败Input right 3D secure code or change another card to pay 
Credit Card-Cannot Start 3D Authorized Service不支持 3D 验证Change another card to pay
Credit Card-Transaction Declined交易拒绝Use another card to pay.
Credit Card-Unpaid transaction
Credit Card-Transaction canceled by customer
Credit Card-Payment is declined Your payment request is declined, please contact customer service.高风险Your payment request is declined, please contact customer service for more details. 
Credit Card-Request website is not in whitelist
交易来源网站不在备案名单里Unregistered website
Credit Card-Transaction limit Sorry, your card is unable to authorised. If you entered the correct information, please use a different card or call your card issuer or use different payment method.卡交易限制The consumer had already paid for a failed order, and the issuing bank had judged that it could not pay for the successful card, so it was restricted from paying again. If the consumer confirms that the card information is entered correctly, it is suggested to pay with another card.
Credit Card-Duplicate order
重复发起支付订单The merchant can check whether the order has been paid successfully
Credit Card-Card brand or payment method is not acceptedSorry, the card type is not supported.Please change a credit card不支持的卡或者支付方式

Users can contact pcbway to open the corresponding card type or payment metho


Last updated on 26/05/2023
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