
[PCB Prototype] PCB Prototype for the solar panel monitoring system V1

Could you upload again the PCB file for the solar panel monitoring system V1?Best Regards

[PCB Prototype] TP4056 Issues

Do you sell a TP4056 module that works with USB-C to USB-C cables? Maybe with 5.1kOhm pull-down resistors

[PCB Prototype] Thermoelectric separation copper PCB

I need an idea of cost for Copper PCB with thermoelectric separation. In attacched file, the Thermal pad are all 6mm round type. 1L, 1.5mm thickness, 1oz, white color solder mask with black silkscreen...

[PCB Prototype] Hello I am City India Delhi

I am sitting India Delhi electronic device helper working job

[PCB Prototype] Adding slots in SprintLayout

What is the best way to add slots in SprintLayout?People suggest a lot of different things, ranging from thick outline trace (same dia. as milling bit), bunch of through holes placed real close to eac...

[PCB Prototype] lester pieters

why is the pricing not in south african currency zar

[PCB Prototype] Automatic Charging Cut-Off and Capacity Control Circuit

Bu adım adım kılavuzda, elektronik projeleriniz için otomatik şarj kesme kontrol devresi nasıl oluşturulur, size göstereceğiz. Siz bir hobi ustası veya bir elektronik meraklısı olun, bu devreyi nasıl ...

[PCB Design] RF PCB design

I need a 6 layer PCB stackup with a low loss dielectricum to the top layer.Can you change the top dielectricum of your normal 6 layer 1.6mm stackup to RO4350 0.101mm?Do you suggest a nother stackup?If...

[PCB Prototype] Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0 Fully Assembled?

Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0: Does this board come complete with all of the components except the sensors? I know in the past there was a chip shortage that made some of the components hard...

[PCB Prototype] VW Passat B6 Skyline led rings What's the price

VW Passat B6 Skyline led rings What's the price
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1 PCBWay Team 9
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3 Epishko Dmitry 1