ESP8266-12E I2C Base-Card
ESP-12E I2C Base Card
As a follow-up on the ESP-12E Card, today we will look at the prototype base card that this was designed to slot into – The ESP-12E I2c Base Card.
Initial Features ( To be expanded in future versions )
4 x 40Pin Expansion slots, with access to 12v, 3.3v and Gnd on each slot.
2 x “IRQ” pins per slot ( serviced by a single PCF8574 )
I2C bus access on each slot (3.3v )
UART Header
Reset and Flash Header
GPIO Header ( Direct access to the ESP-12E GPIO Pins )
Analog Input Header (a Single input – A0, as per ESP-12E limitation)
Buck Converter Power Supply Module, capable of up to 2A of current
ESP-12E I2C Base Card – Top view
The Schematic
The PCB – some pictures
PCB Bottom
With ESP-12E Card
With ESP-12E Card

ESP8266-12E I2C Base-Card
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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Rachman Lusana Aug 25,2022
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