Loconet interface
Loconet interface
Loconet is a bus to control digital model railways.
Using this interface, it is possible to connect a 5v microcontroller (Arduino...) to the bus.
Moreover, this interface can:
- provide 12V to the bus (Loconet-T)
- provide bus termination (15mA costant current source)
With those functionalities, it can be used to implement a "stand-alone" Loconet configuration (i.e. without a command station).
My tutorials on Youtube about the Loconet bus, including the use of this interface to implement a Locobuffer device (i.e. a device to connect the Loconet bus to the computer via USB).
For Arduino, a Loconet library is available to communicate with other accessories (command station, throttles, sensors...) connected to the bus.
LocoNet? is a Digitrax trademark
Loconet interface
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.

Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
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Ciao, trovi tutto su github, nel link indicato sopra (https://github.com/lucadentella/arduino-loconetshield)
Hi, I uploaded it but it was removed by PCBWay... don't know why. You can still download the files from my github repo and order the PCBs manually
yes i have done that my friend. Just trying to work out the Parts list for all components of both,
Solucionado!! Uso Rocrail en Ubuntu y el usuario con el que ejecutaba Rocrail no tenía permisos para usar el puerto USB. Funciona de maravilla. Gracias!!
Hi Phil, those are just "jumpers" to enable/disable the corresponding function: - RS_PUP to enable Pull UP termination - RS_SUPL to enable external power supply You can solder pin headers if you want the possibility to change the settings (with a jumper) or solder a wire to permanently enable/disable the function.
Hello Luca, Thank you very much for that. I couldn't make out what it was from the picture.
Hi Wally, this is "just" an interface: it let Arduino connect to the Loconet bus. So everything depends on the Arduino sketch you wrote. First of all, please check that the PINs used for TX/RX in your sketch, library are the same you connected to the interface: this is a very popular mistake. Then try the most simple sketch I wrote, LnPowerControl (in the github repo linked above): this should let you control the power status of your command station using a button connected to your Arduino
I have used the Loconet library control pane and have also tried various other sketches many times with the same result. I am able to receive messages on the Arduino from my Digitrax throttle and JMRI using RX on the interface module but cannot send messages to JMRI from the Arduino on TX. Is there some problem with Digitrax or some setting I need to change. I will try the circuit you mentioned above. Regards, Wally.
Thank you Luca. I have tried you sketch as suggested but the TX does not work. The RX works with no problem. How can I send you pictures of my module to make sure I have done everything correctly. Regards, Wally.
Just to inform you that I have My Loconet working properly. Regards, Wally.
Thanks for the update Wally, glad you solved the issue! May I ask you what was the problem?
Thanks Luca, I had the transistor the wrong way around. I have had help from the Arduino user group in developing a servo turnout sketch with pushbuttons and eeprom. I now trying to get it to work with the loconet. Wally