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arduino IDEArduino
Mini Cyclone Game on WS2812 LED Ring and Arduino Nano
This game is based on the Cyclone arcade game, where the player tries to stop an led scrolling around a circle at a specific spot.
In one of my previous videos(https://youtu.be/1K0vr-hrh0k), I presented you the same game, but on a large ring consisting of 60 Leds, which contained several levels.
This time I use a small ring with 12 Leds and the game does not contain levels but is a continuous game until once the target marker is not hit.
In addition, there is an LCD display that shows highscore and current round.
The code was taken from Joern Weise's GitHub page (https://github.com/M3taKn1ght/Blog-Repo/tree/master/Cyclone), and I made some modifications.
First I shortened the way of testing the LEDs, and then added different sounds for each segment of the game so that it is now much more interesting.
The device is very simple to build and consists of only a few components:
- Arduino nano microcontroller
- 12 Leds ring with WS2812 Led chip
- 16x2 LCD display with I2C communication protocol
- two buttons
- and Buzzer
If you want to make a PCB for this project, or for any other electronic project, PCBway (www.pcbway.com) is a great choice for you. PCBway is one of the most experienced PCB manufacturing company in China in field of PCB prototype and fabrication. They provide completed PCB assembly service with worldwide free shipping , and ISO9001 quality control system. Also, on their site there is an online gerber viewer where you can upload your gerber and drill files to render your board.
As for the gameplay, as I mentioned before, in this case there are no levels with increasing speed, but each successive round starts with a randomized speed, and generally the speeds can be easily changed in the code in the lines:
#define STARTINTERVAL 250 //"Normal" move
#define MAXINTERVAL 500 //Very slow move
#define MININTERVAL 50 //Very fast move
Now let's see how the device works in reality.
When turning on the game, all LEDs light up sequentially accompanied by an appropriate sound effect, and a corresponding message about the test on the LCD display.
Next, by pressing the button the game starts
The goal is to press the button at the moment when the rotating diode is located exactly on the static diodes.
In the first two levels, three diodes are static, and in the next levels only one.
The number of laps completed and the score are shown on the display.
If we fail to hit the red Led, the game ends, and High Score appears on the display.
The number of laps completed and the score are shown on the display.
Otherwise, the high score is recorded in the eprom of the microcontroller so that it is saved even after the reset.
If we want to delete the high score, when turning on, we hold down the HSR button.
And finally, the game is mounted on a PVC board with a thickness of 3 mm and covered with self-adhesive colored wallpaper.
//----------------------------------------------------- // Game "CYCLONE" for Arduino // Autor: Joern Weise // License: GNU GPl 3.0 // Created: 20. Sep 2020 // Update: 25. Sep 2020 // modified by mircemk 25. Feb 2022 //----------------------------------------------------- //Include libraries #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #include <EEPROM.h> //Defines #define NUMPIXELS 12 // Popular NeoPixel ring size or edit the number of LEDs #define PIN 2 // Data-Pin to ring or strip #define PINBTN 6 // Pin for Player-button #define PINSCORERST 9 // Pin to reset score during first run #define DISABLEWINDOW 3 //Rounds before the LED before and after target is not valid anymore //Player-Dot speed defines #define STARTINTERVAL 250 //"Normal" move #define MAXINTERVAL 500 //Very slow move #define MININTERVAL 50 //Very fast move //Create objects LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // set the LCD adress Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //Init NeoPixel object bool bFirstRun, bSecureWindow; int iState = 1; int iTargetPos, iPlayerPos, iStoredHighscore, iRound, iScore, iInterval; //Vars for the game int iLastButtonPressed, iButtonState, iDebounceButton; //Vars to debounce button unsigned long iLastPlayerMove, ulLastDebounceTime; //Timer to debouce button unsigned long ulDebounceButton = 10; //Debounce-time int i = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Init serial communication: DONE"); //Begin init for WS218B-ring or -strip pixels.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED) pixels.clear(); // Set all pixels to "off" pixels.setBrightness(20); // Set brightness to 20% pixels.show(); // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware. Serial.println("Init WS218B-ring: DONE"); //Begin init display lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.clear(); Serial.println("Init LCD display: DONE"); randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // Make randome more randome Serial.println("Make randome more randome: DONE"); //Read latest highscore from EEPROM iStoredHighscore = EEPROM.read(0); Serial.println("Last stored highscore: " + String(iStoredHighscore)); //Init button with internal pullup-resistor pinMode(PINBTN,INPUT_PULLUP); //GameBTN pinMode(PINSCORERST,INPUT_PULLUP); //Reset-Pin for score //Init some basic-vars bFirstRun = true; //Enable firstrun iLastButtonPressed = digitalRead(PINBTN); //Init iLastButtonPressed iButtonState = digitalRead(PINBTN); //Init iButtonstate } void loop() { int iDebounceButton = DebounceButton(); //Check and debounce button if(!bFirstRun) { if(iState == 1) //Startscreen { bSecureWindow = true; iRound = 1; iScore = 0; iInterval = STARTINTERVAL; lcd.clear(); lcd.home(); lcd.print("Highscore: " + String(iStoredHighscore)); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Press button ..."); iState = 2; } if(iState == 2) //Get Button pressed { if(iDebounceButton == LOW) { if(iRound == 1) //Only show once during game Serial.println("-------- New game --------"); lcd.clear(); lcd.home(); lcd.print("Release button"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("to start"); iState = 3; } } if(iState == 3) //Init next round { if(iDebounceButton == HIGH) { lcd.clear(); lcd.home(); lcd.print("Round: " + String(iRound)); Serial.println("Round: " + String(iRound)); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Score: " + String(iScore)); Serial.println("Score: " + String(iScore)); iTargetPos = random(0,NUMPIXELS-1); Serial.println("New target pos: " + String(iTargetPos)); iPlayerPos = random(0,NUMPIXELS-1); while(iTargetPos == iPlayerPos) iPlayerPos = random(0,NUMPIXELS-1); Serial.println("Player start pos: " + String(iPlayerPos)); iState = 4; } } if(iState == 4) //Draw target and playes dot { DrawNextTarget(iTargetPos, bSecureWindow); //Draw new target DrawPlayer(iPlayerPos); //Draw player dot iLastPlayerMove = millis(); //Update timer for moving iState = 5; } if(iState == 5) //Wait pressing button and move player dot { if(iDebounceButton == LOW) { iState = 6; } else { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - iLastPlayerMove > iInterval) { iPlayerPos++; if(iPlayerPos >= NUMPIXELS) iPlayerPos = 0; DrawNextTarget(iTargetPos, bSecureWindow); DrawPlayer(iPlayerPos); iLastPlayerMove = currentMillis; } } } if(iState == 6) //Check if player win { if(CheckPlayerPos()) //Winner or loser? { iScore++; //Update score tone(10, 3000, 100); iRound++; //Update rounds iState = 2; //Go back to release button if(iRound > DISABLEWINDOW) //Only target { bSecureWindow = false; iInterval = random(MININTERVAL,MAXINTERVAL); } else iInterval = random(STARTINTERVAL-50,MAXINTERVAL); Serial.println("New interval: " + String(iInterval)); } else iState = 90; } if(iState == 90) //Game ends { Serial.println("Game ends"); lcd.clear(); lcd.home(); iDebounceButton = HIGH; iLastButtonPressed = HIGH; iButtonState = HIGH; if(iScore > iStoredHighscore) //New highscore? { lcd.print("New highscore "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("New score: " + String(iScore)); Serial.println("New highscore is " + String(iScore)); EEPROM.write(0,iScore); //Store new highscore to EEPROM iStoredHighscore = iScore; } else //Loser { lcd.print("Game Over"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("You lose"); Serial.println("You lose!"); tone(10, 150, 1000); } Serial.println("-------- End game --------"); delay(2000); iState = 1; } } else InitFirstRun(); //Init Firstrun to check LCD and WS218B-ring } //Function to make first run void InitFirstRun() { if(digitalRead(PINSCORERST) == LOW) //Overwrite EEPROM with "0" { Serial.println("Reset highscore"); for(int iCnt = 0; iCnt < EEPROM.length(); iCnt++) EEPROM.write(iCnt,0); } Serial.println("---- Start init ----"); lcd.home(); lcd.print("Game Cyclone"); Serial.println("Game Cyclone"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("(c) M3taKn1ght"); Serial.print("(c) M3taKn1ght"); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.home(); lcd.print(" mircemk"); Serial.println("For az-Delivery"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Testing ring ..."); Serial.println("Testing ring ..."); delay(1000); pixels.clear(); //Check every single LED for(int i = 0; i<=51; i+=51) { InitRingTest(i,0,0); delay(50); } // pixels.clear(); // for(int i = 0; i<=255; i+=51) // { // InitRingTest(0,i,0); // delay(50); //} // pixels.clear(); // for(int i = 0; i<=255; i+=51) // { // InitRingTest(0,0,i); // delay(50); // } pixels.clear(); pixels.show(); Serial.println("---- End init ----"); bFirstRun = false; Serial.println("bFirstRun: " + String(bFirstRun)); Serial.println("Activate state for game"); } //Simple function to check LED-Ring one by one void InitRingTest(int iRed, int iGreen, int iBlue) { Serial.println("R: " + String(iRed) + " G: " + String(iGreen) + " B: " + String(iBlue)); for(int iPixel = 0; iPixel < NUMPIXELS; iPixel++) { pixels.setPixelColor(iPixel, pixels.Color(iRed, iGreen, iBlue)); pixels.show(); int thisPitch = map (iPixel , 0, 12, 1000, 3000); tone(10, thisPitch,120); delay(50); } } //Function to draw target an secure area for player void DrawNextTarget(int iPos, bool bArea) { pixels.clear(); pixels.setPixelColor(iPos, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0)); if(bArea) { if(iPos - 1 < 0) pixels.setPixelColor(NUMPIXELS - 1, pixels.Color(255, 136, 0)); else pixels.setPixelColor(iPos - 1, pixels.Color(255, 136, 0)); if(iPos + 1 >= NUMPIXELS) pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(255, 136, 0)); else pixels.setPixelColor(iPos + 1, pixels.Color(255, 136, 0)); } } //Function to draw players LED void DrawPlayer(int iPos) { if(iPos == iTargetPos) //target and player-dot is equal pixels.setPixelColor(iPos, pixels.Color(0, 0, 255)); //Dot color will blue else pixels.setPixelColor(iPos, pixels.Color(255, 0, 0)); //Otherwise red pixels.show(); tone(10, 500, 50); } //Function to check after pressing button, if user hit the target bool CheckPlayerPos() { if(iTargetPos == iPlayerPos) //Player hit target? return true; else { if(bSecureWindow) //LED before and after target active? { int iBeforeTarget = iTargetPos - 1; int iAfterTarget = iTargetPos + 1; if(iBeforeTarget < 0) iBeforeTarget = NUMPIXELS - 1; if(iAfterTarget >= NUMPIXELS) iAfterTarget = 0; if(iBeforeTarget == iPlayerPos || iAfterTarget == iPlayerPos) return true; else return false; } else return false; } } //Function to debounce button int DebounceButton() { int iCurrentButtonState = digitalRead(PINBTN); if(iCurrentButtonState != iLastButtonPressed) ulLastDebounceTime = millis(); if((millis() - ulLastDebounceTime) > ulDebounceButton) { if(iCurrentButtonState != iButtonState) iButtonState = iCurrentButtonState; } iLastButtonPressed = iCurrentButtonState; return iButtonState; }

Mini Cyclone Game on WS2812 LED Ring and Arduino Nano

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ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
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