Nov 06,2020
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  • Hello! I built this project and I can't get the audio to enter the computer. Check each resistor, each capacitor, try several CD4069UBE. Could you help me to detect what is wrong? Thanks

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2022-03-25 13:24:01Reply

    Hello Fernando, have you tried seeing the visual audio signals with the Azimuth Head Alignment software?

    Fernando Bugallo 2022-03-25 20:03:46Reply

    Hello, thanks for answering me. Yes, I tried that program and it does not detect any audio input. To make sure, use the same program with a real dattassette on the same computer and if it detects audio. I also tried with a cell phone and a laptop and with two different audio cables, at maximum and at 70% of the volume.

    Fernando Bugallo 2022-03-25 22:01:56Reply

    Do you see that I was wrong with the values ​​of a capacitor? The CD4069UBE chip validates it with the Ti866II Plus and says it's fine. Can it be fake? I tried 3 different ones, but they are all bought from the same supplier.

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2022-03-26 05:30:56Reply

    Can you try with an android cell phone and tapdancer software?

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2022-03-26 05:34:13Reply

    I do not see any wrong with the values ​​of a capacitor. I am not sure about CD4069UBE chip.

    Fernando Bugallo 2022-03-26 12:24:33Reply

    I did it as you indicate and it didn't work. It's driving me crazy.

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2022-03-26 13:24:20Reply

    If you have more components, can you make another one like in the photo (with cables) and try?

    Fernando Bugallo 2022-03-28 00:01:02Reply

    Hello, I built another one and it is the same result, suspicious of the 4069, they are fakes. I measured pin 1 of the 4069 chip with an oscilloscope, and I have an analog signal coming from the cell phone. I measure the output of that signal on pin 2 and have a constant linear output. I understand that I should have an analog also for the resistor. As far as I know how this circuit works, the signal goes in and out of each gate to be amplified. And a resistor is placed so that the output is analog, but that only works in UB, maybe these chips are just Inverter gates without that additional one. On pin 4 of the commodore datasette input I have a constant 5v signal. I will have to buy a chip from another supplier and test this theory.

    Fernando Bugallo 2022-04-05 23:28:35Reply

    Hello, I'll tell you what's new, I tried an endless number of CD4069 providers, I had exactly the same problem. I had the Azimuth program running on the C64 and I disconnected the cable from the side of the cell phone and accidentally touched the plug with my finger, on the C64 screen it showed data activity, simulating morse code with my finger and the plug, I saw that the screen reflected the same. Then it occurred to me that my cell phone output was not strong enough to show activity. I connected a small amplifier for headphones and there it started to work! It seems to me that I am going to try the first Metallic design, it had an amplifier, maybe that design is more robust. Thanks for your time.

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2022-04-07 05:18:33Reply

    Thank you.

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2023-02-03 08:59:05Reply

    Many times, the mobile phone protective case may prevent the audio plug from entering completely. Please remove the mobile phone protective cover and make sure that the audio plug is fully inserted.

    Ian Jimbo Mcshaky 2023-07-26 11:22:09Reply

    Looks good from the pictures, however I had exactly the same symptoms as you until I realised I used a 33nf cap instead of a 33pf cap as I was going off the silk screening - which is correct just harder to read.

  • I love the "two board on single PCB" design

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2022-04-04 13:44:54Reply

    Thank you Mert Uckan :)

  • Another photo.

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