Dec 04,2020
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  • Hello Sir. I built the User Port adapter using the 805-24p 2x12pin connector as specified. However, I did a test fit of it on a old defective C64 mainboard board and it fits so tight to the user port that it put grooves in the card edge connector. Obviously I am afraid to try it on a good computer at this point. Is there some trick to soldering it or something that I am not aware of? Did I perhaps need to build up a thick solder pad on the PCB to make it fit and better align with the connectors pins? Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer.

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2024-02-04 09:48:10Reply

    Hello, There's nothing wrong with it fitting so tightly into the user port. You can use some electronic contact spray or WD40 to clean the contacts. It will be easier to fit and take off after using it for a while. There is no other connector type you can use.

    Mark McCabe 2024-02-04 12:46:34Reply

    Thank You for the advice.

  • Will this set of dongles test all components like the larger test harnesses with all the ribbon wires connecting the joystick ports to the userport? Or does it use some type of bypassing to make the tests look all ok? Like, if I had a bad CIA, it would flag it? Etc..

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2021-03-02 02:24:57Reply

    Hello Ken Hartley, Yes, except control ports joystick directions and fire buttons, this set of dongles test all components like the larger test harnesses with all the ribbon wires connecting the joystick ports to the userport. This set of dongles runs all tests that 586220 DIAGNOSTIC can do, except control ports joystick directions and fire buttons. It does NOT use some type of bypassing to make the tests look all ok. But you only should test control ports joystick directions and fire buttons with a real joystick and a joystick testing program. Original 586220 DIAGNOSTIC software can not test everything, it can not test your power suply, or can not test a black screen C64, or can not test sound functions by itself... If you do not have any experiance about repairing Commodore64 then this kind of diagnostic systems will not help you much to repair a C64. If you are buying a commodore64 then it will help you to check many functions of it. Thank you for asking.

    Ken Hartley 2021-03-03 00:27:58Reply

    Thank you for your info! It answers all my questions. I always use different joystick/controller port testing software, so this dongle set would work well.

    (DIY) C64iSTANBUL 2021-03-07 18:51:37Reply

    You are welcome.

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