PCB Prototype the Easy Way
Full feature custom PCB prototype service.
9:00 - 18:00, Mon.- Fri. (GMT+8)
9:00 - 12:00, Sat. (GMT+8)
(Except Chinese public holidays)
For the half holes,there are request for the copper layer/soldermask layer/drills layer.
The copper layer should have pads,the soldermask layer should have soldermask openings,the drill layer should have drills and the drills center is on the outline .The half holes diameter should be bigger than 0.6mm and the holes gap should be bigger than 0.55mm.
Pls find below picture for other correct design,thanks
The boards with castellations and metal edging cannot be panel with V-scoring,only be panel with tab route or stamp holes. But the tab route cannot be in the position of thecastellated holes. When you place an order, you can also choose Panel byPCBWay, which is free of charge of. If you still have any questions, you can contact your sale representative in the upper right corner of your background.
Yes,it is no problem for us to manufacture the board. Please upload the file directly