Hi,I generated a gerber using these steps https://www.pcbway.com/blog/help_center/Generate_gerber_file_from_Altium.html do I need to use inches ? what if I use mm with 4:2 setting ?Does that...
Hi PCBWAY,I am desiging a newPCB.Question: is it possible to carve out a square 'hole' (instead of a round hole) in the PCB with size of about 1cm x 0,5cm?And is the PCB make process then '...
Please anyone tell me how to place components at bottom layer of PCB on Easyeda.com at the time of design. Please anyone help me to design the pcb as soon as possible.
I'm fairly new to electronics, accidentally made an oscillator with this circuit. As showed in the pic, R5 would be an 8 Ohm speaker, or otherwise there could be an LED to show the oscillation. Th...
Hi, I need to know the procedure of ordering the PCB from a shared project [https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/W27592ZSZ14_Surround_Decoder.html] and get it assembled also from PCBWay. H...
Hello,I have a board with one attiny85 that requires pcb fabrication, assembly and program upload. Does PCBWay offer flash service for this MCU if i provice the hex file?As other question: Are both to...
Для ремонта майнингово оборудования мне нужны хешплаты различных Асиков,но больше всего хешплаты майнера S19pro, gerber файла у меня нет , возможно вам уже приходилось делать подобные заказы?