Robot with WiFi control and servos driven by ESP32
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A robot controlled by Wi-Fi, servos and ESP32 is a robotization system that uses a combination of technologies to enable wireless communication and control of a robot. This type of robot is based on servomotors to control movements, and uses an ESP32 module for communication and remote control.
The ESP32 is a low-cost, low-power microcontroller that features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity capabilities. Provides a wireless interface that allows two-way communication between the robot and a remote device, such as a smartphone, computer, or tablet.
Servomotors are devices used to precisely control and position the different moving components of a robot, such as arms, wheels or head. These servos connect to the ESP32 and receive control signals to determine position and speed of movement.
Control of the robot is achieved by sending commands over the Wi-Fi connection from the remote device to the ESP32. This can be achieved through a specific application or software that allows movement instructions to be sent to the robot. The ESP32 receives these commands, processes them and transmits them to the corresponding servomotors to execute the desired movements.
Once the ESP32 receives the commands, it can use algorithms and programmed logic to control the robot's sequence of movements. This allows the robot to perform a wide variety of tasks, such as moving, manipulating objects, or interacting with its environment.
Wireless communication over Wi-Fi provides flexibility and mobility since the remote device does not need to be physically connected to the robot. This allows the robot to be controlled from a considerable distance and provides the ability to monitor and control multiple robots at once.
This circuit works with 5 Volts direct current.
Electronic components
An Esp32
female pins
Pines macho
Four servomotors (with accessories)
The mg995 – 360°, is a continuous rotation servo (360°) is a variant of normal servos, in which the signal we send to the servo controls the rotation speed , instead of the angular position as occurs in servos. conventional.
This continuous rotation servo is a simple way to get a motor with speed control, without having to add additional devices such as controllers or encoders as is the case with DC or stepper motors, since the control is integrated on the servo itself.
Gear Material: Metal
Swivel range: 360°
Operating voltage: 3 V to 7.2 V
No-load operation speed: 0.17 seconds / 60 degrees (4.8V); 0.13 seconds / 60 degrees (6.0V)
Torque: 15 kg / cm
Working temperature: -30°C to 60°C
Cable length: 310 mm
Weight: 55g
Dimensions: 40.7mm x 19.7mm x 42.9mm
1 Tower Pro Mg995 servomotor, continuous rotation.
3 Screws for assembly.
3 Coples (horns).
Four wheels
STL files
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Source code
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <Servo.h>
const char* ssid = "xxxxxxxx";//Clave wifi
const char* password = "xxxxxxxx";//Contraseña wifi
WiFiServer server(80);
Servo servoPin12;
Servo servoPin14;
Servo servoPin27;
Servo servoPin26;
int pin2 = 2;
void setup()
// Pines de control servo y led onboard esp32
pinMode(pin2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin2, LOW);
// Comenzamos conectándonos a una red WiFi
Serial.print("Conectando a ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Conectado a red Wifi.");
Serial.println("Dirección IP ");
digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH);
int value = 0;
void loop(){
WiFiClient client = server.available(); // Escuchando a los clientes entrantes
if (client) { // Si hay un cliente,
Serial.println("Nuevo cliente"); // Imprime un mensaje en el puerto serie
String currentLine = ""; // String para contener datos entrantes del cliente
while (client.connected()) { // Bucle mientras el cliente está conectado
if (client.available()) { // Si hay bytes para leer del cliente,
char c =; // Lee un caracter
Serial.write(c); // Lo imprimimos en el monitor serial
if (c == '\n') { // Si el byte es un carácter de nueva línea
if (currentLine.length() == 0) {
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
// Contenido HTML
client.print("Click <a href=\"/avanzar\">Avanzar</a> Para Avanzar.<br>");//Avanzar
client.print("Click <a href=\"/atras\">Retroceder</a> Para Retroceder.<br>");//Retroceder
client.print("Click <a href=\"/derecha\">Derecha</a> Para ir a la derecha.<br>");//Avanzar
client.print("Click <a href=\"/izquierda\">Izquierda</a> Para ir a la Izquierda.<br>");//Izquierda
client.print("Click <a href=\"/parar\">Parar</a> Para Detener.<br>");//Parar
// Salir del ciclo while:
} else { // si tienes una nueva línea, borra currentLine:
currentLine = "";
} else if (c != '\r') {
currentLine += c;
if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /avanzar")) {
if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /atras")) {
//----Gira a la derecha---
if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /derecha")) {
//----Girar en la izquierda----
if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /izquierda")) {
if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /parar")) {
// Cierra la conexión
Serial.println("Cliente desconectado");
Robot with WiFi control and servos driven by ESP32
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.

Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
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Engineer Jul 02,2024
CarlosVolt Tutoriales Jun 18,2024
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