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MG90S Metal Gear RC Micro Servo Airplane Racing Car Truck Boat |
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PCA9685 16-Channel 12 Bit I2C Servo Driver |
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arduino IDEArduino
Talk to Me
This project is part of an extensive research on the use of animatronics and interactive objects that I have been developing. It is an investigation into the possibility of creating an algorithmic script for a comic object.
The code is quite simple and is based on the notion of dramatic time and rhythm and is enough to make it feel like the Servo Motors are establishing some sort of secret communication. As the PCA9685 module supports up to 16 servos, the system can be used to simulate a crowded environment, such as a fair or trade. With the characters talking to each other.
The two figures in the project's cover photo are designed to be attached to the servo motors and move their mouth when the servos are actuated.
Two versions of the same idea follow. The first eliminates the use of the PCA9685 module, connecting the servos directly to the Arduino. In the second, it is possible to expand the system, connecting up to 16 Servo Motors at the same time.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <math.h>
Servo ator1;
Servo ator2;
/* SG90 SERVOMIN = 150 e SERVOMAX = 500 */
#define SERVOMIN 165 // Closed Mouth
#define SERVOMAX 310 // Open Mouth
bool debug = true ; // Qualquer outro valor vai desabilitar a saída das falas
char pontuacao[] = {" ,,,,,..........!!!!!?????"};
int tamanho = sizeof (pontuacao);
/* Each Character is allocated in a Array, with certain parameters
BOCA_ABERTA (OPEN MOUTH) equal SERVOMIN ou SERVOMAX divided by random number from 1 to 5
MINFALA min number of lines of text
MAXFALA max number of lines of text
mascara [7] [5] {
int mascara [NUMMASCARAS] [5] = {
{SERVOMIN, 280, 5, 15, 40}, // Arlecchino
{SERVOMIN, 240, 1, 10, 60}, // Brighella
{SERVOMIN, 310, 1, 8, 70}, // Collombina
{SERVOMIN, 310, 10, 25, 100}, // Dottore
{SERVOMIN, 290, 4, 12, 100}, // Pulcinella
{SERVOMIN, 310, 4, 8, 120}, // Pantallone
{SERVOMIN, 300, 2, 8, 80}, // Scaramouche
{SERVOMIN, 310, 3, 7, 70} // Isabella
String personagem [NUMMASCARAS] = {
void setup()
Serial.println ("The conversation");
delay (500);
void loop()
int endAct = random (0, 100);
int minhavez = random (0, NUMMASCARAS);
int outravez = random (0, NUMMASCARAS);
if (minhavez == outravez) {
outravez = 2;
int pausadramatica = random (5, 20);
int tempopausa = pausadramatica * 15;
String mudanca;
/* endAct means Dramatic Pauses */
if (endAct > 95) {
mudanca = "//// Mudanca de Ato ////";
tempopausa = 3000;
if (endAct < 95 && endAct > 80) {
mudanca = "//// Respira?ao ////";
tempopausa = 1000;
if (endAct < 80 && endAct > 60) {
mudanca = "//// Tensao ////";
tempopausa = 800;
conversa (minhavez);
Serial.println (mudanca);
delay (tempopausa);
conversa (outravez);
//delay (tempopausa);
void conversa (uint8_t idxmascara) {
if (debug == true) {
Serial.print (personagem [idxmascara]);
Serial.print (": ");
int minsilaba = mascara [idxmascara] [2];
int maxsilaba = mascara [idxmascara] [3];
int silaba = random (minsilaba, maxsilaba);
int maxvelocidade = mascara [idxmascara] [4];
int par = tamanho % 2;
if (tamanho % 2 == 1) {
par = par - 1;
for (int fala = silaba; fala <= maxsilaba; fala++) {
int semente = random (1, 7);
int minvelocidade = round (maxvelocidade / semente);
int bocaAberta = mascara [idxmascara][1];
int bocaFechada = mascara [idxmascara][0];
if (debug == true) {
Serial.print (" Bla");
int idxponto = random (0, tamanho);
if (fala == maxsilaba) {
int index = par;
idxponto = random (index, tamanho);
char ponto = pontuacao [idxponto];
Serial.print (ponto);
for (int pulso = bocaFechada; pulso < bocaAberta; pulso++) {
ator.setPWM (idxmascara, 0, pulso);
delay (minvelocidade);
for (int pulso = bocaAberta; pulso > bocaFechada; pulso--) {
ator.setPWM (idxmascara, 0, pulso);
delay (minvelocidade);
delay (maxvelocidade);
if (debug == true) {
Serial.println (" ");
And the second version:
/*Chit Chat */
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
/* Descobrir a posicao minima e maxima das bocas */
#define SERVOMIN 300 // this is the 'minimum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define SERVOMAX 500 // this is the 'maximum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
// Enderecando meus velhos
int silaba = 0;
int velocidade = 0;
int nropersonagem = 9;
char pontuacao[] { " ,,...!!!???" };
int tamanho = sizeof (pontuacao);
void setup() {
Serial.println ("The Conversation");
Serial.println ("Infinite Play (Or until the batteries last.) ");
delay (500);
void conversinha (uint8_t velho) { // Chit Chat
int silaba = random (1, 7);
for (uint16_t fala = silaba; fala <= 7; fala++) {
int velocidade = (random (1, 4)) * 50;
int bocaAberta = SERVOMAX / random (1, 4);
int idxponto = random (0,tamanho);
Serial.print (" Bla");
if (fala == 1) {
int idxponto = random (0, 4);
if (fala > 6) {
int idxponto = random (5, tamanho);
char ponto = pontuacao [idxponto];
Serial.print (ponto);
for (uint16_t pulso = SERVOMIN; pulso < bocaAberta; pulso++) {
pwm.setPWM (velho, 0, pulso);
delay (velocidade);
for (uint16_t pulso = bocaAberta; pulso > SERVOMIN; pulso--) {
pwm.setPWM (velho, 0, pulso);
delay (velocidade);
Serial.println (" ");
void loop() {
int cara1 = random (0, nropersonagem);
int cara2 = random (0, nropersonagem);
int nmfala = random (1, 4);
if (cara2 > (cara1 + 4)) {
cara2 = cara1 + nmfala;
int pausadramatica = random (0, 5);
int tempopausa = pausadramatica * 150;
int tempo = random (150, 1000);
if (cara1 == cara2) {
cara2 = cara1 + nmfala;
for (int dialogo = cara1; dialogo < cara2; dialogo++) {
Serial.print ( "Character ");
Serial.print ( dialogo);
Serial.print (" :");
conversinha (dialogo);
delay (tempo);
Serial.println ("/");
delay (tempopausa);
Talk to Me

Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
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