NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board |
x 1 | |
WS2812B Led Matrix 16x16 leds |
x 1 | |
Button |
x 1 | |
Resistor 10k ohm |
x 1 |
arduino IDEArduino
Soldering Iron Kit |
ESP8266 Word Clock on 16x16 Led Matrix
Word Clock is a special type of clock where the current time is highlighted within a set of words that can tell any possible time. There are many projects for making such a clock with microcontrollers, and usually the most difficult part to make is the "display", which consists of a large number of LEDs, many connections and wires from the LEDs to the controllers, and finally the mechanical performance of the case.
This time I will present you a very simple way to make such an interesting clock, where a ready-made led matrix is used as a display. The code is taken from printables.com where you can also download .stl files for 3D printed layout of the letters, as well as parts for the complete case.
(https://www.printables.com/en/model/270025-word-clock-based-on-led-matrix). I made this part in a slightly different way, using a 3D printed grid and a paper mask that can be printed on a regular laser printer.
The clock is set automatically on the Internet through an NTP server, and for the rest of the options and settings, is used a nice web interface .
As I mentioned earlier, the clock is really simple to build and consists of a few components:
- ESP8266 microcontroller based module
- 16x16 Addressable led matrix with WS2812B Leds
- Button
- and 10K Pull-up resistor
In this particular case, I am using the housing from one of my previous projects, and you can follow its construction later in the video. Regarding the code, it is uploaded as-is, without any modifications, and the Wi-Fi credentials are entered later via the web interface.
Now let's see how the device works:
When turning on clock for the first time, on the screen nothing appears, and now the device is in Access Point mode. Now we need to connect via Wi-Fi to this access point that has SSID: "Clock Settings", and the password is: "thirdstroke". Next, we need to point web browser to and we will see a web interface where we can:
Enter wifi SSID
Enter wifi password
Select our timezone
Select the colour of the clock text
Control whether the seconds are displayed on the clock
Control whether the clock dims at night
Customise the dimming and rebrightening times (in case it disturbes your sleep)
Control whether animations are shown
At the end we press "Save", and clock will reboot and use this settings. If we ever want to change these settings, we hold down the button for more than 5 seconds, which resets the device back into Access Point mode where we can access the web interface and change the settings. Finally, let's conclude that this is a great project that can be made even by beginners because it contains very few components and does not require any tweaking or modification of the code.
Release 1.01 20221005
Fixed bug preventing wifi details being saved - moved EEPROM.begin to setup
Added some more debugging comments
Release history
Release 1.0 - fingers crossed
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <Wire.h> // Only needed for Arduino 1.6.5 and earlier
#include "FS.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoMatrix.h>
#ifndef PSTR
#define PSTR // Make Arduino Due happy
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "ezTime.h"
Wifi Config
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
struct settings {
char ssid[32];
char password[63];
} user_wifi = {};
Timezone Config
char mylocation[40];
Timezone myTZ;
Pin Config
#define LED_PIN D6
#define buttonPin D5
#define LED_COUNT 256
LED Config
// Declare our NeoPixel strip object:
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
//Declare matrix layout
Adafruit_NeoMatrix matrix = Adafruit_NeoMatrix(16, 16, LED_PIN, NEO_MATRIX_TOP + NEO_MATRIX_LEFT + NEO_MATRIX_COLUMNS + NEO_MATRIX_ZIGZAG, NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ800);
Default Variable Config
//bootmode 0 = user wifi boot, 1 = make access point to configure wifi
int bootmode = 0;
int buttonpressedtype = 0;
int lights[256];
int clockhour = 0;
int clockminute = 0;
int clockseconds = 0;
int displayseconds = 1;
int displayautodim = 0;
int dimstart = 22;
int dimend = 7;
int displayanimation = 1;
long randNumber;
uint32_t pixelcolor = strip.Color(0, 0, 0);
//for running and setting management
int mode = 0;
int changeamount = 1;
int R = 255;
int G = 255;
int B = 255;
int step = 32;
int brightness = 50;
int factoryReset = 0;
uint32_t clockcolor;
// Button timing variables
int debounce = 20; // ms debounce period to prevent flickering when pressing or releasing the button
int DCgap = 250; // max ms between clicks for a double click event
int holdTime = 2000; // ms hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event
int longHoldTime = 5000; // ms long hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event
// Other button variables
boolean buttonVal = HIGH; // value read from button
boolean buttonLast = HIGH; // buffered value of the button's previous state
boolean DCwaiting = false; // whether we're waiting for a double click (down)
boolean DConUp = false; // whether to register a double click on next release, or whether to wait and click
boolean singleOK = true; // whether it's OK to do a single click
long downTime = -1; // time the button was pressed down
long upTime = -1; // time the button was released
boolean ignoreUp = false; // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered
boolean waitForUp = false; // when held, whether to wait for the up event
boolean holdEventPast = false; // whether or not the hold event happened already
boolean longHoldEventPast = false;// whether or not the long hold event happened already
//#define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
bool loadConfig() {
File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "r");
if (!configFile) {
Serial.println("Failed to open config file");
return false;
size_t size = configFile.size();
if (size > 1024) {
Serial.println("Config file size is too large");
return false;
// Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]);
// We don't use String here because ArduinoJson library requires the input
// buffer to be mutable. If you don't use ArduinoJson, you may as well
// use configFile.readString instead.
configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size);
StaticJsonDocument<200> doc;
auto error = deserializeJson(doc, buf.get());
if (error) {
Serial.println("Failed to parse config file");
return false;
displayseconds = doc["dispS"];
R = doc["R"];
G = doc["G"];
B = doc["B"];
brightness = doc["Br"];
displayautodim = doc["dispAD"];
dimstart = doc["dimstart"];
dimend = doc["dimend"];
displayanimation = doc["dispAn"];
strncpy(mylocation, doc["mylocation"], sizeof(mylocation));
bootmode = doc["bootmode"];
Serial.println("Loaded bootmode is");
clockcolor = strip.Color(R, G, B);
Serial.println("Loaded config ");
return true;
bool saveConfig() {
StaticJsonDocument<200> doc;
Serial.println("Got to saveConfig");
if (factoryReset != 1) {
Serial.println("Updated user config variables");
doc["dispS"] = displayseconds;
doc["R"] = R;
doc["G"] = G;
doc["B"] = B;
doc["Br"] = brightness;
doc["dispAD"] = displayautodim;
doc["dimstart"] = dimstart;
doc["dimend"] = dimend;
doc["dispAn"] = displayanimation;
doc["mylocation"] = mylocation;
doc["bootmode"] = 0;
} else {
//set factory reset values
doc["dispS"] = 1;
doc["R"] = 255;
doc["G"] = 255;
doc["B"] = 255;
doc["Br"] = 50;
doc["dispAD"] = 0;
doc["dimstart"] = 22;
doc["dimend"] = 7;
doc["dispAn"] = 1;
doc["mylocation"] = "Europe/London";
doc["bootmode"] = 1;
factoryReset = 0;
File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "w");
if (!configFile) {
Serial.println("Failed to open config file for writing");
return false;
serializeJson(doc, configFile);
return true;
// convert a hex character to number
uint8_t char2num(char c)
if (c >= 'a') return c - 'a' + 10;
if (c >= 'A') return c - 'A' + 10;
return c - '0';
void handlePortal() {
if (server.method() == HTTP_POST) {
strncpy(user_wifi.ssid, server.arg("ssid").c_str(), sizeof(user_wifi.ssid));
strncpy(user_wifi.password, server.arg("password").c_str(), sizeof(user_wifi.password));
user_wifi.ssid[server.arg("ssid").length()] = user_wifi.password[server.arg("password").length()] = '\0';
EEPROM.put(0, user_wifi);
if (EEPROM.commit()) {
Serial.println("EEPROM successfully committed");
} else {
Serial.println("ERROR! EEPROM commit failed");
strncpy(mylocation, server.arg("location").c_str(), sizeof(mylocation) );
char clockcolorraw[7];
char clockcolor[6];
strncpy(clockcolorraw, server.arg("clockcolor").c_str(), sizeof(clockcolorraw));
//for (int i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++) clockcolor[(i - 1)] = clockcolorraw[i];
R = 16 * char2num(clockcolorraw[1]) + char2num(clockcolorraw[2]);
G = 16 * char2num(clockcolorraw[3]) + char2num(clockcolorraw[4]);
B = 16 * char2num(clockcolorraw[5]) + char2num(clockcolorraw[6]);
char temp[3];
strncpy(temp, server.arg("displayseconds").c_str(), sizeof(temp));
displayseconds = temp[0] - 48;
strncpy(temp, server.arg("brightness").c_str(), sizeof(temp));
brightness = atoi(temp);
strncpy(temp, server.arg("displayautodim").c_str(), sizeof(temp));
displayautodim = temp[0] - 48;
strncpy(temp, server.arg("dimstart").c_str(), sizeof(temp));
dimstart = atoi(temp);
strncpy(temp, server.arg("dimend").c_str(), sizeof(temp));
dimend = atoi(temp);
strncpy(temp, server.arg("displayanimation").c_str(), sizeof(temp));
displayanimation = temp[0] - 48;
server.send(200, "text/html", "<!doctype html><html lang='en'><head><meta charset='utf-8'><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'><title>Clock Setup</title><style>*,::after,::before{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin:0;font-family:'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Noto Sans','Liberation Sans';font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;color:#212529;background-color:#f5f5f5;}.form-control{display:block;width:100%;height:calc(1.5em + .75rem + 2px);border:1px solid #ced4da;}button{border:1px solid transparent;color:#fff;background-color:#007bff;border-color:#007bff;padding:.5rem 1rem;font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.5;border-radius:.3rem;width:100%}.form-signin{width:100%;max-width:400px;padding:15px;margin:auto;}h1,p{text-align: center}</style> </head> <body><main class='form-signin'> <h1>Wifi Setup</h1> <br/> <p>Your settings have been saved successfully!<br />Please restart the device if it does not restart itself within 30 seconds.</p></main></body></html>" );
factoryReset = 0;
//sets back config to basic config and enables wifi access point.
} else {
// server.send(200, "text/html", );
server.send(200, "text/html", F("<!doctype html><html lang='en'><head><meta charset='utf-8'><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'><title>Clock Setup</title><style>*,::after,::before{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin:0;font-family:'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Noto Sans','Liberation Sans';font-size:1rem;font-weight:400;line-height:1.5;color:#212529;background-color:#f5f5f5;}.form-control{display:block;width:100%;height:calc(1.5em + .75rem + 2px);border:1px solid #ced4da;}button{cursor: pointer;border:1px solid transparent;color:#fff;background-color:#007bff;border-color:#007bff;padding:.5rem 1rem;font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.5;border-radius:.3rem;width:100%}.form-inline{input[type=radio] {display: inline;};;input, textarea,select {margin-top: 10px; display: block;}}.form-signin{width:100%;max-width:400px;padding:15px;margin:auto;}h1{text-align: center}</style></head><body><main class='form-signin'><form action='/' method='post'><h1 class=''>Clock Setup</h1><br/><div class='form-floating'><label>Enter your Wifi SSID</label><input type='text' class='form-control' name='ssid'></div><div class='form-floating'><br/><label>Enter your Wifi Password</label><input type='password' class='form-control' name='password'><br/><h4>Note this is not being sent by https or ssl</h4></div><br/><div class='form-inline'><label for='location'>Select your timezone</label><select name='location' id='location'><option value='Africa/Accra'>Africa/Accra</option><option value='Africa/Addis_Ababa'>Africa/Addis_Ababa</option><option value='Africa/Algiers'>Africa/Algiers</option><option value='Africa/Asmara'>Africa/Asmara</option><option value='Africa/Asmera'>Africa/Asmera</option><option value='Africa/Bamako'>Africa/Bamako</option><option value='Africa/Bangui'>Africa/Bangui</option><option value='Africa/Banjul'>Africa/Banjul</option><option value='Africa/Bissau'>Africa/Bissau</option><option value='Africa/Blantyre'>Africa/Blantyre</option><option value='Africa/Brazzaville'>Africa/Brazzaville</option><option value='Africa/Bujumbura'>Africa/Bujumbura</option><option value='Africa/Cairo'>Africa/Cairo</option><option value='Africa/Casablanca'>Africa/Casablanca</option><option value='Africa/Ceuta'>Africa/Ceuta</option><option value='Africa/Conakry'>Africa/Conakry</option><option value='Africa/Dakar'>Africa/Dakar</option><option value='Africa/Dar_es_Salaam'>Africa/Dar_es_Salaam</option><option value='Africa/Djibouti'>Africa/Djibouti</option><option value='Africa/Douala'>Africa/Douala</option><option value='Africa/El_Aaiun'>Africa/El_Aaiun</option><option value='Africa/Freetown'>Africa/Freetown</option><option value='Africa/Gaborone'>Africa/Gaborone</option><option value='Africa/Harare'>Africa/Harare</option><option value='Africa/Johannesburg'>Africa/Johannesburg</option><option value='Africa/Juba'>Africa/Juba</option><option value='Africa/Kampala'>Africa/Kampala</option><option value='Africa/Khartoum'>Africa/Khartoum</option><option value='Africa/Kigali'>Africa/Kigali</option><option value='Africa/Kinshasa'>Africa/Kinshasa</option><option value='Africa/Lagos'>Africa/Lagos</option><option value='Africa/Libreville'>Africa/Libreville</option><option value='Africa/Lome'>Africa/Lome</option><option value='Africa/Luanda'>Africa/Luanda</option><option value='Africa/Lubumbashi'>Africa/Lubumbashi</option><option value='Africa/Lusaka'>Africa/Lusaka</option><option value='Africa/Malabo'>Africa/Malabo</option><option value='Africa/Maputo'>Africa/Maputo</option><option value='Africa/Maseru'>Africa/Maseru</option><option value='Africa/Mbabane'>Africa/Mbabane</option><option value='Africa/Mogadishu'>Africa/Mogadishu</option><option value='Africa/Monrovia'>Africa/Monrovia</option><option value='Africa/Nairobi'>Africa/Nairobi</option><option value='Africa/Ndjamena'>Africa/Ndjamena</option><option value='Africa/Niamey'>Africa/Niamey</option><option value='Africa/Nouakchott'>Africa/Nouakchott</option><option value='Africa/Ouagadougou'>Africa/Ouagadougou</option><option value='Africa/Porto-Novo'>Africa/Porto-Novo</option><option value='Africa/Sao_Tome'>Africa/Sao_Tome</option><option value='Africa/Timbuktu'>Africa/Timbuktu</option><option value='Africa/Tripoli'>Africa/Tripoli</option><option value='Africa/Tunis'>Africa/Tunis</option><option value='Africa/Windhoek'>Africa/Windhoek</option><option value='America/Adak'>America/Adak</option><option value='America/Anchorage'>America/Anchorage</option><option value='America/Anguilla'>America/Anguilla</option><option value='America/Antigua'>America/Antigua</option><option value='America/Araguaina'>America/Araguaina</option><option value='America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires'>America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires</option><option value='America/Argentina/Catamarca'>America/Argentina/Catamarca</option><option value='America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia'>America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia</option><option value='America/Argentina/Cordoba'>America/Argentina/Cordoba</option><option value='America/Argentina/Jujuy'>America/Argentina/Jujuy</option><option value='America/Argentina/La_Rioja'>America/Argentina/La_Rioja</option><option value='America/Argentina/Mendoza'>America/Argentina/Mendoza</option><option value='America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos'>America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos</option><option value='America/Argentina/Salta'>America/Argentina/Salta</option><option value='America/Argentina/San_Juan'>America/Argentina/San_Juan</option><option value='America/Argentina/San_Luis'>America/Argentina/San_Luis</option><option value='America/Argentina/Tucuman'>America/Argentina/Tucuman</option><option value='America/Argentina/Ushuaia'>America/Argentina/Ushuaia</option><option value='America/Aruba'>America/Aruba</option><option value='America/Asuncion'>America/Asuncion</option><option value='America/Atikokan'>America/Atikokan</option><option value='America/Atka'>America/Atka</option><option value='America/Bahia'>America/Bahia</option><option value='America/Bahia_Banderas'>America/Bahia_Banderas</option><option value='America/Barbados'>America/Barbados</option><option value='America/Belem'>America/Belem</option><option value='America/Belize'>America/Belize</option><option value='America/Blanc-Sablon'>America/Blanc-Sablon</option><option value='America/Boa_Vista'>America/Boa_Vista</option><option value='America/Bogota'>America/Bogota</option><option value='America/Boise'>America/Boise</option><option value='America/Buenos_Aires'>America/Buenos_Aires</option><option value='America/Cambridge_Bay'>America/Cambridge_Bay</option><option value='America/Campo_Grande'>America/Campo_Grande</option><option value='America/Cancun'>America/Cancun</option><option value='America/Caracas'>America/Caracas</option><option value='America/Catamarca'>America/Catamarca</option><option value='America/Cayenne'>America/Cayenne</option><option value='America/Cayman'>America/Cayman</option><option value='America/Chicago'>America/Chicago</option><option value='America/Chihuahua'>America/Chihuahua</option><option value='America/Coral_Harbour'>America/Coral_Harbour</option><option value='America/Cordoba'>America/Cordoba</option><option value='America/Costa_Rica'>America/Costa_Rica</option><option value='America/Creston'>America/Creston</option><option value='America/Cuiaba'>America/Cuiaba</option><option value='America/Curacao'>America/Curacao</option><option value='America/Danmarkshavn'>America/Danmarkshavn</option><option value='America/Dawson'>America/Dawson</option><option value='America/Dawson_Creek'>America/Dawson_Creek</option><option value='America/Denver'>America/Denver</option><option value='America/Detroit'>America/Detroit</option><option value='America/Dominica'>America/Dominica</option><option value='America/Edmonton'>America/Edmonton</option><option value='America/Eirunepe'>America/Eirunepe</option><option value='America/El_Salvador'>America/El_Salvador</option><option value='America/Ensenada'>America/Ensenada</option><option value='America/Fort_Nelson'>America/Fort_Nelson</option><option value='America/Fort_Wayne'>America/Fort_Wayne</option><option value='America/Fortaleza'>America/Fortaleza</option><option value='America/Glace_Bay'>America/Glace_Bay</option><option value='America/Godthab'>America/Godthab</option><option value='America/Goose_Bay'>America/Goose_Bay</option><option value='America/Grand_Turk'>America/Grand_Turk</option><option value='America/Grenada'>America/Grenada</option><option value='America/Guadeloupe'>America/Guadeloupe</option><option value='America/Guatemala'>America/Guatemala</option><option value='America/Guayaquil'>America/Guayaquil</option><option value='America/Guyana'>America/Guyana</option><option value='America/Halifax'>America/Halifax</option><option value='America/Havana'>America/Havana</option><option value='America/Hermosillo'>America/Hermosillo</option><option value='America/Indiana/Indianapolis'>America/Indiana/Indianapolis</option><option value='America/Indiana/Knox'>America/Indiana/Knox</option><option value='America/Indiana/Marengo'>America/Indiana/Marengo</option><option value='America/Indiana/Petersburg'>America/Indiana/Petersburg</option><option value='America/Indiana/Tell_City'>America/Indiana/Tell_City</option><option value='America/Indiana/Vevay'>America/Indiana/Vevay</option><option value='America/Indiana/Vincennes'>America/Indiana/Vincennes</option><option value='America/Indiana/Winamac'>America/Indiana/Winamac</option><option value='America/Indianapolis'>America/Indianapolis</option><option value='America/Inuvik'>America/Inuvik</option><option value='America/Iqaluit'>America/Iqaluit</option><option value='America/Jamaica'>America/Jamaica</option><option value='America/Jujuy'>America/Jujuy</option><option value='America/Juneau'>America/Juneau</option><option value='America/Kentucky/Louisville'>America/Kentucky/Louisville</option><option value='America/Kentucky/Monticello'>America/Kentucky/Monticello</option><option value='America/Knox_IN'>America/Knox_IN</option><option value='America/Kralendijk'>America/Kralendijk</option><option value='America/La_Paz'>America/La_Paz</option><option value='America/Lima'>America/Lima</option><option value='America/Los_Angeles'>America/Los_Angeles</option><option value='America/Louisville'>America/Louisville</option><option value='America/Lower_Princes'>America/Lower_Princes</option><option value='America/Maceio'>America/Maceio</option><option value='America/Managua'>America/Managua</option><option value='America/Manaus'>America/Manaus</option><option value='America/Marigot'>America/Marigot</option><option value='America/Martinique'>America/Martinique</option><option value='America/Matamoros'>America/Matamoros</option><option value='America/Mazatlan'>America/Mazatlan</option><option value='America/Mendoza'>America/Mendoza</option><option value='America/Menominee'>America/Menominee</option><option value='America/Merida'>America/Merida</option><option value='America/Metlakatla'>America/Metlakatla</option><option value='America/Mexico_City'>America/Mexico_City</option><option value='America/Miquelon'>America/Miquelon</option><option value='America/Moncton'>America/Moncton</option><option value='America/Monterrey'>America/Monterrey</option><option value='America/Montevideo'>America/Montevideo</option><option value='America/Montreal'>America/Montreal</option><option value='America/Montserrat'>America/Montserrat</option><option value='America/Nassau'>America/Nassau</option><option value='America/New_York'>America/New_York</option><option value='America/Nipigon'>America/Nipigon</option><option value='America/Nome'>America/Nome</option><option value='America/Noronha'>America/Noronha</option><option value='America/North_Dakota/Beulah'>America/North_Dakota/Beulah</option><option value='America/North_Dakota/Center'>America/North_Dakota/Center</option><option value='America/North_Dakota/New_Salem'>America/North_Dakota/New_Salem</option><option value='America/Nuuk'>America/Nuuk</option><option value='America/Ojinaga'>America/Ojinaga</option><option value='America/Panama'>America/Panama</option><option value='America/Pangnirtung'>America/Pangnirtung</option><option value='America/Paramaribo'>America/Paramaribo</option><option value='America/Phoenix'>America/Phoenix</option><option value='America/Port-au-Prince'>America/Port-au-Prince</option><option value='America/Port_of_Spain'>America/Port_of_Spain</option><option value='America/Porto_Acre'>America/Porto_Acre</option><option value='America/Porto_Velho'>America/Porto_Velho</option><option value='America/Puerto_Rico'>America/Puerto_Rico</option><option value='America/Punta_Arenas'>America/Punta_Arenas</option><option value='America/Rainy_River'>America/Rainy_River</option><option value='America/Rankin_Inlet'>America/Rankin_Inlet</option><option value='America/Recife'>America/Recife</option><option value='America/Regina'>America/Regina</option><option value='America/Resolute'>America/Resolute</option><option value='America/Rio_Branco'>America/Rio_Branco</option><option value='America/Rosario'>America/Rosario</option><option value='America/Santa_Isabel'>America/Santa_Isabel</option><option value='America/Santarem'>America/Santarem</option><option value='America/Santiago'>America/Santiago</option><option value='America/Santo_Domingo'>America/Santo_Domingo</option><option value='America/Sao_Paulo'>America/Sao_Paulo</option><option value='America/Scoresbysund'>America/Scoresbysund</option><option value='America/Shiprock'>America/Shiprock</option><option value='America/Sitka'>America/Sitka</option><option value='America/St_Barthelemy'>America/St_Barthelemy</option><option value='America/St_Johns'>America/St_Johns</option><option value='America/St_Kitts'>America/St_Kitts</option><option value='America/St_Lucia'>America/St_Lucia</option><option value='America/St_Thomas'>America/St_Thomas</option><option value='America/St_Vincent'>America/St_Vincent</option><option value='America/Swift_Current'>America/Swift_Current</option><option value='America/Tegucigalpa'>America/Tegucigalpa</option><option value='America/Thule'>America/Thule</option><option value='America/Thunder_Bay'>America/Thunder_Bay</option><option value='America/Tijuana'>America/Tijuana</option><option value='America/Toronto'>America/Toronto</option><option value='America/Tortola'>America/Tortola</option><option value='America/Vancouver'>America/Vancouver</option><option value='America/Virgin'>America/Virgin</option><option value='America/Whitehorse'>America/Whitehorse</option><option value='America/Winnipeg'>America/Winnipeg</option><option value='America/Yakutat'>America/Yakutat</option><option value='America/Yellowknife'>America/Yellowknife</option><option value='Antarctica/Casey'>Antarctica/Casey</option><option value='Antarctica/Davis'>Antarctica/Davis</option><option value='Antarctica/DumontDUrville'>Antarctica/DumontDUrville</option><option value='Antarctica/Macquarie'>Antarctica/Macquarie</option><option value='Antarctica/Mawson'>Antarctica/Mawson</option><option value='Antarctica/McMurdo'>Antarctica/McMurdo</option><option value='Antarctica/Palmer'>Antarctica/Palmer</option><option value='Antarctica/Rothera'>Antarctica/Rothera</option><option value='Antarctica/South_Pole'>Antarctica/South_Pole</option><option value='Antarctica/Syowa'>Antarctica/Syowa</option><option value='Antarctica/Troll'>Antarctica/Troll</option><option value='Antarctica/Vostok'>Antarctica/Vostok</option><option value='Arctic/Longyearbyen'>Arctic/Longyearbyen</option><option value='Asia/Aden'>Asia/Aden</option><option value='Asia/Almaty'>Asia/Almaty</option><option value='Asia/Amman'>Asia/Amman</option><option value='Asia/Anadyr'>Asia/Anadyr</option><option value='Asia/Aqtau'>Asia/Aqtau</option><option value='Asia/Aqtobe'>Asia/Aqtobe</option><option value='Asia/Ashgabat'>Asia/Ashgabat</option><option value='Asia/Ashkhabad'>Asia/Ashkhabad</option><option value='Asia/Atyrau'>Asia/Atyrau</option><option value='Asia/Baghdad'>Asia/Baghdad</option><option value='Asia/Bahrain'>Asia/Bahrain</option><option value='Asia/Baku'>Asia/Baku</option><option value='Asia/Bangkok'>Asia/Bangkok</option><option value='Asia/Barnaul'>Asia/Barnaul</option><option value='Asia/Beirut'>Asia/Beirut</option><option value='Asia/Bishkek'>Asia/Bishkek</option><option value='Asia/Brunei'>Asia/Brunei</option><option value='Asia/Calcutta'>Asia/Calcutta</option><option value='Asia/Chita'>Asia/Chita</option><option value='Asia/Choibalsan'>Asia/Choibalsan</option><option value='Asia/Chongqing'>Asia/Chongqing</option><option value='Asia/Chungking'>Asia/Chungking</option><option value='Asia/Colombo'>Asia/Colombo</option><option value='Asia/Dacca'>Asia/Dacca</option><option value='Asia/Damascus'>Asia/Damascus</option><option value='Asia/Dhaka'>Asia/Dhaka</option><option value='Asia/Dili'>Asia/Dili</option><option value='Asia/Dubai'>Asia/Dubai</option><option value='Asia/Dushanbe'>Asia/Dushanbe</option><option value='Asia/Famagusta'>Asia/Famagusta</option><option value='Asia/Gaza'>Asia/Gaza</option><option value='Asia/Harbin'>Asia/Harbin</option><option value='Asia/Hebron'>Asia/Hebron</option><option value='Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh'>Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh</option><option value='Asia/Hong_Kong'>Asia/Hong_Kong</option><option value='Asia/Hovd'>Asia/Hovd</option><option value='Asia/Irkutsk'>Asia/Irkutsk</option><option value='Asia/Istanbul'>Asia/Istanbul</option><option value='Asia/Jakarta'>Asia/Jakarta</option><option value='Asia/Jayapura'>Asia/Jayapura</option><option value='Asia/Jerusalem'>Asia/Jerusalem</option><option value='Asia/Kabul'>Asia/Kabul</option><option value='Asia/Kamchatka'>Asia/Kamchatka</option><option value='Asia/Karachi'>Asia/Karachi</option><option value='Asia/Kashgar'>Asia/Kashgar</option><option value='Asia/Kathmandu'>Asia/Kathmandu</option><option value='Asia/Katmandu'>Asia/Katmandu</option><option value='Asia/Khandyga'>Asia/Khandyga</option><option value='Asia/Kolkata'>Asia/Kolkata</option><option value='Asia/Krasnoyarsk'>Asia/Krasnoyarsk</option><option value='Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'>Asia/Kuala_Lumpur</option><option value='Asia/Kuching'>Asia/Kuching</option><option value='Asia/Kuwait'>Asia/Kuwait</option><option value='Asia/Macao'>Asia/Macao</option><option value='Asia/Macau'>Asia/Macau</option><option value='Asia/Magadan'>Asia/Magadan</option><option value='Asia/Makassar'>Asia/Makassar</option><option value='Asia/Manila'>Asia/Manila</option><option value='Asia/Muscat'>Asia/Muscat</option><option value='Asia/Nicosia'>Asia/Nicosia</option><option value='Asia/Novokuznetsk'>Asia/Novokuznetsk</option><option value='Asia/Novosibirsk'>Asia/Novosibirsk</option><option value='Asia/Omsk'>Asia/Omsk</option><option value='Asia/Oral'>Asia/Oral</option><option value='Asia/Phnom_Penh'>Asia/Phnom_Penh</option><option value='Asia/Pontianak'>Asia/Pontianak</option><option value='Asia/Pyongyang'>Asia/Pyongyang</option><option value='Asia/Qatar'>Asia/Qatar</option><option value='Asia/Qostanay'>Asia/Qostanay</option><option value='Asia/Qyzylorda'>Asia/Qyzylorda</option><option value='Asia/Rangoon'>Asia/Rangoon</option><option value='Asia/Riyadh'>Asia/Riyadh</option><option value='Asia/Saigon'>Asia/Saigon</option><option value='Asia/Sakhalin'>Asia/Sakhalin</option><option value='Asia/Samarkand'>Asia/Samarkand</option><option value='Asia/Seoul'>Asia/Seoul</option><option value='Asia/Shanghai'>Asia/Shanghai</option><option value='Asia/Singapore'>Asia/Singapore</option><option value='Asia/Srednekolymsk'>Asia/Srednekolymsk</option><option value='Asia/Taipei'>Asia/Taipei</option><option value='Asia/Tashkent'>Asia/Tashkent</option><option value='Asia/Tbilisi'>Asia/Tbilisi</option><option value='Asia/Tehran'>Asia/Tehran</option><option value='Asia/Tel_Aviv'>Asia/Tel_Aviv</option><option value='Asia/Thimbu'>Asia/Thimbu</option><option value='Asia/Thimphu'>Asia/Thimphu</option><option value='Asia/Tokyo'>Asia/Tokyo</option><option value='Asia/Tomsk'>Asia/Tomsk</option><option value='Asia/Ujung_Pandang'>Asia/Ujung_Pandang</option><option value='Asia/Ulaanbaatar'>Asia/Ulaanbaatar</option><option value='Asia/Ulan_Bator'>Asia/Ulan_Bator</option><option value='Asia/Urumqi'>Asia/Urumqi</option><option value='Asia/Ust-Nera'>Asia/Ust-Nera</option><option value='Asia/Vientiane'>Asia/Vientiane</option><option value='Asia/Vladivostok'>Asia/Vladivostok</option><option value='Asia/Yakutsk'>Asia/Yakutsk</option><option value='Asia/Yangon'>Asia/Yangon</option><option value='Asia/Yekaterinburg'>Asia/Yekaterinburg</option><option value='Asia/Yerevan'>Asia/Yerevan</option><option value='Atlantic/Azores'>Atlantic/Azores</option><option value='Atlantic/Bermuda'>Atlantic/Bermuda</option><option value='Atlantic/Canary'>Atlantic/Canary</option><option value='Atlantic/Cape_Verde'>Atlantic/Cape_Verde</option><option value='Atlantic/Faeroe'>Atlantic/Faeroe</option><option value='Atlantic/Faroe'>Atlantic/Faroe</option><option value='Atlantic/Jan_Mayen'>Atlantic/Jan_Mayen</option><option value='Atlantic/Madeira'>Atlantic/Madeira</option><option value='Atlantic/Reykjavik'>Atlantic/Reykjavik</option><option value='Atlantic/South_Georgia'>Atlantic/South_Georgia</option><option value='Atlantic/St_Helena'>Atlantic/St_Helena</option><option value='Atlantic/Stanley'>Atlantic/Stanley</option><option value='Australia/ACT'>Australia/ACT</option><option value='Australia/Adelaide'>Australia/Adelaide</option><option value='Australia/Brisbane'>Australia/Brisbane</option><option value='Australia/Broken_Hill'>Australia/Broken_Hill</option><option value='Australia/Canberra'>Australia/Canberra</option><option value='Australia/Currie'>Australia/Currie</option><option value='Australia/Darwin'>Australia/Darwin</option><option value='Australia/Eucla'>Australia/Eucla</option><option value='Australia/Hobart'>Australia/Hobart</option><option value='Australia/LHI'>Australia/LHI</option><option value='Australia/Lindeman'>Australia/Lindeman</option><option value='Australia/Lord_Howe'>Australia/Lord_Howe</option><option value='Australia/Melbourne'>Australia/Melbourne</option><option value='Australia/North'>Australia/North</option><option value='Australia/NSW'>Australia/NSW</option><option value='Australia/Perth'>Australia/Perth</option><option value='Australia/Queensland'>Australia/Queensland</option><option value='Australia/South'>Australia/South</option><option value='Australia/Sydney'>Australia/Sydney</option><option value='Australia/Tasmania'>Australia/Tasmania</option><option value='Australia/Victoria'>Australia/Victoria</option><option value='Australia/West'>Australia/West</option><option value='Australia/Yancowinna'>Australia/Yancowinna</option><option value='Brazil/Acre'>Brazil/Acre</option><option value='Brazil/DeNoronha'>Brazil/DeNoronha</option><option value='Brazil/East'>Brazil/East</option><option value='Brazil/West'>Brazil/West</option><option value='Canada/Atlantic'>Canada/Atlantic</option><option value='Canada/Central'>Canada/Central</option><option value='Canada/Eastern'>Canada/Eastern</option><option value='Canada/Mountain'>Canada/Mountain</option><option value='Canada/Newfoundland'>Canada/Newfoundland</option><option value='Canada/Pacific'>Canada/Pacific</option><option value='Canada/Saskatchewan'>Canada/Saskatchewan</option><option value='Canada/Yukon'>Canada/Yukon</option><option value='CET'>CET</option><option value='Chile/Continental'>Chile/Continental</option><option value='Chile/EasterIsland'>Chile/EasterIsland</option><option value='CST6CDT'>CST6CDT</option><option value='Cuba'>Cuba</option><option value='EET'>EET</option><option value='Egypt'>Egypt</option><option value='Eire'>Eire</option><option value='EST'>EST</option><option value='EST5EDT'>EST5EDT</option><option value='Etc/GMT'>Etc/GMT</option><option value='Etc/GMT+0'>Etc/GMT+0</option><option value='Etc/GMT+1'>Etc/GMT+1</option><option value='Etc/GMT+10'>Etc/GMT+10</option><option value='Etc/GMT+11'>Etc/GMT+11</option><option value='Etc/GMT+12'>Etc/GMT+12</option><option value='Etc/GMT+2'>Etc/GMT+2</option><option value='Etc/GMT+3'>Etc/GMT+3</option><option value='Etc/GMT+4'>Etc/GMT+4</option><option value='Etc/GMT+5'>Etc/GMT+5</option><option value='Etc/GMT+6'>Etc/GMT+6</option><option value='Etc/GMT+7'>Etc/GMT+7</option><option value='Etc/GMT+8'>Etc/GMT+8</option><option value='Etc/GMT+9'>Etc/GMT+9</option><option value='Etc/GMT-0'>Etc/GMT-0</option><option value='Etc/GMT-1'>Etc/GMT-1</option><option value='Etc/GMT-10'>Etc/GMT-10</option><option value='Etc/GMT-11'>Etc/GMT-11</option><option value='Etc/GMT-12'>Etc/GMT-12</option><option value='Etc/GMT-13'>Etc/GMT-13</option><option value='Etc/GMT-14'>Etc/GMT-14</option><option value='Etc/GMT-2'>Etc/GMT-2</option><option value='Etc/GMT-3'>Etc/GMT-3</option><option value='Etc/GMT-4'>Etc/GMT-4</option><option value='Etc/GMT-5'>Etc/GMT-5</option><option value='Etc/GMT-6'>Etc/GMT-6</option><option value='Etc/GMT-7'>Etc/GMT-7</option><option value='Etc/GMT-8'>Etc/GMT-8</option><option value='Etc/GMT-9'>Etc/GMT-9</option><option value='Etc/GMT0'>Etc/GMT0</option><option value='Etc/Greenwich'>Etc/Greenwich</option><option value='Etc/UCT'>Etc/UCT</option><option value='Etc/Universal'>Etc/Universal</option><option value='Etc/UTC'>Etc/UTC</option><option value='Etc/Zulu'>Etc/Zulu</option><option value='Europe/Amsterdam'>Europe/Amsterdam</option><option value='Europe/Andorra'>Europe/Andorra</option><option value='Europe/Astrakhan'>Europe/Astrakhan</option><option value='Europe/Athens'>Europe/Athens</option><option value='Europe/Belfast'>Europe/Belfast</option><option value='Europe/Belgrade'>Europe/Belgrade</option><option value='Europe/Berlin'>Europe/Berlin</option><option value='Europe/Bratislava'>Europe/Bratislava</option><option value='Europe/Brussels'>Europe/Brussels</option><option value='Europe/Bucharest'>Europe/Bucharest</option><option value='Europe/Budapest'>Europe/Budapest</option><option value='Europe/Busingen'>Europe/Busingen</option><option value='Europe/Chisinau'>Europe/Chisinau</option><option value='Europe/Copenhagen'>Europe/Copenhagen</option><option value='Europe/Dublin'>Europe/Dublin</option><option value='Europe/Gibraltar'>Europe/Gibraltar</option><option value='Europe/Guernsey'>Europe/Guernsey</option><option value='Europe/Helsinki'>Europe/Helsinki</option><option value='Europe/Isle_of_Man'>Europe/Isle_of_Man</option><option value='Europe/Istanbul'>Europe/Istanbul</option><option value='Europe/Jersey'>Europe/Jersey</option><option value='Europe/Kaliningrad'>Europe/Kaliningrad</option><option value='Europe/Kiev'>Europe/Kiev</option><option value='Europe/Kirov'>Europe/Kirov</option><option value='Europe/Lisbon'>Europe/Lisbon</option><option value='Europe/Ljubljana'>Europe/Ljubljana</option><option value='Europe/London'>Europe/London</option><option value='Europe/Luxembourg'>Europe/Luxembourg</option><option value='Europe/Madrid'>Europe/Madrid</option><option value='Europe/Malta'>Europe/Malta</option><option value='Europe/Mariehamn'>Europe/Mariehamn</option><option value='Europe/Minsk'>Europe/Minsk</option><option value='Europe/Monaco'>Europe/Monaco</option><option value='Europe/Moscow'>Europe/Moscow</option><option value='Europe/Nicosia'>Europe/Nicosia</option><option value='Europe/Oslo'>Europe/Oslo</option><option value='Europe/Paris'>Europe/Paris</option><option value='Europe/Podgorica'>Europe/Podgorica</option><option value='Europe/Prague'>Europe/Prague</option><option value='Europe/Riga'>Europe/Riga</option><option value='Europe/Rome'>Europe/Rome</option><option value='Europe/Samara'>Europe/Samara</option><option value='Europe/San_Marino'>Europe/San_Marino</option><option value='Europe/Sarajevo'>Europe/Sarajevo</option><option value='Europe/Saratov'>Europe/Saratov</option><option value='Europe/Simferopol'>Europe/Simferopol</option><option value='Europe/Skopje'>Europe/Skopje</option><option value='Europe/Sofia'>Europe/Sofia</option><option value='Europe/Stockholm'>Europe/Stockholm</option><option value='Europe/Tallinn'>Europe/Tallinn</option><option value='Europe/Tirane'>Europe/Tirane</option><option value='Europe/Tiraspol'>Europe/Tiraspol</option><option value='Europe/Ulyanovsk'>Europe/Ulyanovsk</option><option value='Europe/Uzhgorod'>Europe/Uzhgorod</option><option value='Europe/Vaduz'>Europe/Vaduz</option><option value='Europe/Vatican'>Europe/Vatican</option><option value='Europe/Vienna'>Europe/Vienna</option><option value='Europe/Vilnius'>Europe/Vilnius</option><option value='Europe/Volgograd'>Europe/Volgograd</option><option value='Europe/Warsaw'>Europe/Warsaw</option><option value='Europe/Zagreb'>Europe/Zagreb</option><option value='Europe/Zaporozhye'>Europe/Zaporozhye</option><option value='Europe/Zurich'>Europe/Zurich</option><option value='Factory'>Factory</option><option value='GB'>GB</option><option value='GB-Eire'>GB-Eire</option><option value='GMT'>GMT</option><option value='GMT+0'>GMT+0</option><option value='GMT-0'>GMT-0</option><option value='GMT0'>GMT0</option><option value='Greenwich'>Greenwich</option><option value='Hongkong'>Hongkong</option><option value='HST'>HST</option><option value='Iceland'>Iceland</option><option value='Indian/Antananarivo'>Indian/Antananarivo</option><option value='Indian/Chagos'>Indian/Chagos</option><option value='Indian/Christmas'>Indian/Christmas</option><option value='Indian/Cocos'>Indian/Cocos</option><option value='Indian/Comoro'>Indian/Comoro</option><option value='Indian/Kerguelen'>Indian/Kerguelen</option><option value='Indian/Mahe'>Indian/Mahe</option><option value='Indian/Maldives'>Indian/Maldives</option><option value='Indian/Mauritius'>Indian/Mauritius</option><option value='Indian/Mayotte'>Indian/Mayotte</option><option value='Indian/Reunion'>Indian/Reunion</option><option value='Iran'>Iran</option><option value='Israel'>Israel</option><option value='Jamaica'>Jamaica</option><option value='Japan'>Japan</option><option value='Kwajalein'>Kwajalein</option><option value='Libya'>Libya</option><option value='MET'>MET</option><option value='Mexico/BajaNorte'>Mexico/BajaNorte</option><option value='Mexico/BajaSur'>Mexico/BajaSur</option><option value='Mexico/General'>Mexico/General</option><option value='MST'>MST</option><option value='MST7MDT'>MST7MDT</option><option value='Navajo'>Navajo</option><option value='NZ'>NZ</option><option value='NZ-CHAT'>NZ-CHAT</option><option value='Pacific/Apia'>Pacific/Apia</option><option value='Pacific/Auckland'>Pacific/Auckland</option><option value='Pacific/Bougainville'>Pacific/Bougainville</option><option value='Pacific/Chatham'>Pacific/Chatham</option><option value='Pacific/Chuuk'>Pacific/Chuuk</option><option value='Pacific/Easter'>Pacific/Easter</option><option value='Pacific/Efate'>Pacific/Efate</option><option value='Pacific/Enderbury'>Pacific/Enderbury</option><option value='Pacific/Fakaofo'>Pacific/Fakaofo</option><option value='Pacific/Fiji'>Pacific/Fiji</option><option value='Pacific/Funafuti'>Pacific/Funafuti</option><option value='Pacific/Galapagos'>Pacific/Galapagos</option><option value='Pacific/Gambier'>Pacific/Gambier</option><option value='Pacific/Guadalcanal'>Pacific/Guadalcanal</option><option value='Pacific/Guam'>Pacific/Guam</option><option value='Pacific/Honolulu'>Pacific/Honolulu</option><option value='Pacific/Johnston'>Pacific/Johnston</option><option value='Pacific/Kanton'>Pacific/Kanton</option><option value='Pacific/Kiritimati'>Pacific/Kiritimati</option><option value='Pacific/Kosrae'>Pacific/Kosrae</option><option value='Pacific/Kwajalein'>Pacific/Kwajalein</option><option value='Pacific/Majuro'>Pacific/Majuro</option><option value='Pacific/Marquesas'>Pacific/Marquesas</option><option value='Pacific/Midway'>Pacific/Midway</option><option value='Pacific/Nauru'>Pacific/Nauru</option><option value='Pacific/Niue'>Pacific/Niue</option><option value='Pacific/Norfolk'>Pacific/Norfolk</option><option value='Pacific/Noumea'>Pacific/Noumea</option><option value='Pacific/Pago_Pago'>Pacific/Pago_Pago</option><option value='Pacific/Palau'>Pacific/Palau</option><option value='Pacific/Pitcairn'>Pacific/Pitcairn</option><option value='Pacific/Pohnpei'>Pacific/Pohnpei</option><option value='Pacific/Ponape'>Pacific/Ponape</option><option value='Pacific/Port_Moresby'>Pacific/Port_Moresby</option><option value='Pacific/Rarotonga'>Pacific/Rarotonga</option><option value='Pacific/Saipan'>Pacific/Saipan</option><option value='Pacific/Samoa'>Pacific/Samoa</option><option value='Pacific/Tahiti'>Pacific/Tahiti</option><option value='Pacific/Tarawa'>Pacific/Tarawa</option><option value='Pacific/Tongatapu'>Pacific/Tongatapu</option><option value='Pacific/Truk'>Pacific/Truk</option><option value='Pacific/Wake'>Pacific/Wake</option><option value='Pacific/Wallis'>Pacific/Wallis</option><option value='Pacific/Yap'>Pacific/Yap</option><option value='Poland'>Poland</option><option value='Portugal'>Portugal</option><option value='PRC'>PRC</option><option value='PST8PDT'>PST8PDT</option><option value='ROC'>ROC</option><option value='ROK'>ROK</option><option value='Singapore'>Singapore</option><option value='Turkey'>Turkey</option><option value='UCT'>UCT</option><option value='Universal'>Universal</option><option value='US/Alaska'>US/Alaska</option><option value='US/Aleutian'>US/Aleutian</option><option value='US/Arizona'>US/Arizona</option><option value='US/Central'>US/Central</option><option value='US/East-Indiana'>US/East-Indiana</option><option value='US/Eastern'>US/Eastern</option><option value='US/Hawaii'>US/Hawaii</option><option value='US/Indiana-Starke'>US/Indiana-Starke</option><option value='US/Michigan'>US/Michigan</option><option value='US/Mountain'>US/Mountain</option><option value='US/Pacific'>US/Pacific</option><option value='US/Samoa'>US/Samoa</option><option value='UTC'>UTC</option><option value='W-SU'>W-SU</option><option value='WET'>WET</option><option value='Zulu '>Zulu</option></select></div><br/><div class='form-inline'><label for='clockcolor'>Select the clock colour:</label><input type='color' id='clockcolor' name='clockcolor' value='#FFFFFF'></div><br/><div class='form-inline'><label for='brightness'>Select the clock brightness:</label><br/><input type='range' id='brightness' name='brightness' value='50' min='0' max='255' oninput='outputbrightness.value = brightness.value'><output id='outputbrightness'>50</output></div><br/><div class='form-inline'>Show seconds at the bottom of the clock?<br/><label for='displaysecondsy'>Yes</label><input type='radio' class='form-inline' name='displayseconds' id='displaysecondsy' value='1' checked='checked'/> <label for='displaysecondsn'>No</label><input type='radio' class='form-inline' name='displayseconds' id='displaysecondsn' value='0' /></div><br/><div class='form-inlne'>Autodim the clock display between 10pm and 7am ?<br/><label for='displayautodimy'>Yes</label><input type='radio' class='form-inline' name='displayautodim' value='1' id='displayautodimy'/> <label for='displayautodimn'>No</label><input type='radio' class='form-inline' name='displayautodim' value='0' checked='checked' id='displayautodimn'/></div><br/><div class='form-inline'><label for='dimstart'>Select the hour when the clock dims:</label><br/><input type='range' id='dimstart' name='dimstart' value='22' min='0' max='23' oninput='dimstartvalue.value = this.value'><output id='dimstartvalue'>22</output></div><br/><div class='form-inline'><label for='dimend'>Select the hour when the clock returns to normal brightness:</label><br/><input type='range' id='dimend' name='dimend' value='7' min='0' max='23' oninput='dimendvalue.value = this.value'><output id='dimendvalue'>7</output></div><br/><div class='form-inline'>Show animations ?<br/><label for='displayanimationy'>Yes</label><input type='radio' class='form-inline' name='displayanimation' value='1' checked='checked' id='displayanimationy'/> <label for='displayanimationn'>No</label><input type='radio' class='form-inline' name='displayanimation' value='0' id='displayanimationn'/></div><br/><button type='submit'>Save</button></form></main></body></html>"));
void setup() {
EEPROM.begin(sizeof(struct settings));
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
strip.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED)
strip.show(); // Turn OFF all pixels ASAP
strip.setBrightness(brightness); // Set BRIGHTNESS to about 1/5 (max = 255)
if (!SPIFFS.begin()) {
Serial.println("Failed to mount file system");
if (!loadConfig()) {
Serial.println("Failed to load config");
//set the clock to white
clockcolor = strip.Color(255, 255, 255);
} else {
Serial.println("Config loaded");
clockcolor = strip.Color(R, G, B);
//for testing
//bootmode = 0;
Serial.println("bootmode is");
if (bootmode == 0) {
//wifi config settings
EEPROM.get( 0, user_wifi );
Serial.println("Made it to bootmode 0");
Serial.println("Wifi details entered");
WiFi.begin(user_wifi.ssid, user_wifi.password);
byte tries = 0;
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Trying to connect to wifi for up to 30 times");
if (tries++ > 30) {
Serial.println("Failed to connect - making an access point so config can be re/entered - this will take 30ish seconds");
WiFi.softAP("Clock Settings", "thirdstroke");
mode = 1;
//get time
Serial.println("UTC: " + UTC.dateTime());
Serial.print(F("Time in chosen location: "));
Serial.println("Clock should be running now");
if (bootmode == 1) {
WiFi.softAP("Clock Settings", "thirdstroke");
mode = 999;
server.on("/", handlePortal);
// textanim3();
void loop() {
//normal clock mode
if (mode == 0) {
buttonpressedtype = checkButton();
if (displayautodim == 1) {
if (clockhour >= dimstart || clockhour < dimend) {
} else {
if (displayanimation == 1) {
if (clockminute == 0 && clockseconds == 0) {
//do an animation, but which one
randNumber = random(1, 4);
switch (randNumber) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
//if longhold move mode on
if (buttonpressedtype == 4) {
mode = 1;
Serial.println("Mode change to");
pixelcolor = strip.Color(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
strip.setPixelColor(i, pixelcolor); // Set pixel's color (in RAM)
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
if (lights[i] == 1) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, clockcolor); // Set pixel's color (in RAM)
strip.show(); // Update strip to match
//} else {
// //too hot turn the LEDS off
// strip.clear();
// pixelcolor = strip.Color(0, 0, 0);
//for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
// strip.setPixelColor(i, pixelcolor); // Set pixel's color (in RAM)
if (mode == 1) {
//this is factory reset mode;
factoryReset = 1;
//sets back config to basic config and enables wifi access point.
void loop()
// Get button event and act accordingly
int b = checkButton();
if (b == 1) clickEvent();
if (b == 2) doubleClickEvent();
if (b == 3) holdEvent();
if (b == 4) longHoldEvent();
// Events to trigger by click and press+hold
int checkButton() {
int event = 0;
// Read the state of the button
buttonVal = digitalRead(buttonPin);
/* if (buttonVal == HIGH) {
Serial.println("HIGH - pressed");
} else {
Serial.println("Low - NOT pressed");
// Button pressed down
if (buttonVal == LOW && buttonLast == HIGH && (millis() - upTime) > debounce) {
downTime = millis();
ignoreUp = false;
waitForUp = false;
singleOK = true;
holdEventPast = false;
longHoldEventPast = false;
if ((millis() - upTime) < DCgap && DConUp == false && DCwaiting == true) DConUp = true;
else DConUp = false;
DCwaiting = false;
// Button released
else if (buttonVal == HIGH && buttonLast == LOW && (millis() - downTime) > debounce) {
if (not ignoreUp) {
upTime = millis();
if (DConUp == false) DCwaiting = true;
else {
event = 2;
DConUp = false;
DCwaiting = false;
singleOK = false;
// Test for normal click event: DCgap expired
if ( buttonVal == HIGH && (millis() - upTime) >= DCgap && DCwaiting == true && DConUp == false && singleOK == true) {
event = 1;
DCwaiting = false;
// Test for hold
if (buttonVal == LOW && (millis() - downTime) >= holdTime) {
// Trigger "normal" hold
if (not holdEventPast) {
event = 3;
waitForUp = true;
ignoreUp = true;
DConUp = false;
DCwaiting = false;
//downTime = millis();
holdEventPast = true;
// Trigger "long" hold
if ((millis() - downTime) >= longHoldTime) {
if (not longHoldEventPast) {
event = 4;
longHoldEventPast = true;
buttonLast = buttonVal;
return event;
void empty_lights_array() {
//set lights array so all lights off
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
lights[i] = 0;
void fill_lights_array() {
clockhour = myTZ.hour();
clockminute = myTZ.minute();
clockseconds = myTZ.second();
// for testing
// clockhour = 0;
// clockminute = 1;
//normal running
if (mode == 0) {
//the time is
lights[0] = 1;
lights[31] = 1;
lights[32] = 1;
lights[64] = 1;
lights[95] = 1;
lights[96] = 1;
lights[127] = 1;
lights[159] = 1;
lights[160] = 1;
//setting the hour
if (mode == 1) {
//mode 1
lights[112] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
//setting the minutes
if (mode == 2) {
//mode 2
lights[143] = 1;
//set minutes
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
//setting if the seconds
if (mode == 3) {
//mode 3
lights[144] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
//setting display seconds on or off
if (mode == 4) {
//mode 4
lights[175] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
if (displayseconds == 0) {
lights[145] = 1;
lights[174] = 1;
lights[177] = 1;
} else {
lights[78] = 1;
lights[81] = 1;
//setting colour
if (mode == 5) {
//mode 5
lights[176] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
//setting brightness
if (mode == 6) {
//mode 6
lights[207] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
//setting autodim
if (mode == 7) {
//mode 7
lights[208] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
if (displayautodim == 0) {
lights[145] = 1;
lights[174] = 1;
lights[177] = 1;
} else {
lights[78] = 1;
lights[81] = 1;
//setting animation
if (mode == 8) {
//mode 8
lights[239] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
if (displayanimation == 0) {
lights[145] = 1;
lights[174] = 1;
lights[177] = 1;
} else {
lights[78] = 1;
lights[81] = 1;
//factory reset
if (mode == 9) {
//mode 9
lights[240] = 1;
lights[209] = 1;
lights[238] = 1;
lights[241] = 1;
lights[14] = 1;
lights[17] = 1;
if (factoryReset == 0) {
lights[145] = 1;
lights[174] = 1;
lights[177] = 1;
} else {
lights[78] = 1;
lights[81] = 1;
int clockhourlookup = 0;
int readingahead = 0;
if (clockminute > 30) {
clockhourlookup = clockhour + 1;
readingahead = 1;
} else {
clockhourlookup = clockhour;
if (clockhourlookup == 24) {
clockhourlookup = 0;
if (mode == 0 || mode == 1) {
switch (clockhourlookup) {
case 0:
lights[169] = 1;
lights[182] = 1;
lights[201] = 1;
lights[214] = 1;
lights[233] = 1;
lights[246] = 1;
if (readingahead == 1) {
//at night
lights[148] = 1;
lights[171] = 1;
lights[12] = 1;
lights[19] = 1;
lights[44] = 1;
lights[51] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
} else {
if (clockminute > 0) {
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
} else {
//at night
lights[148] = 1;
lights[171] = 1;
lights[12] = 1;
lights[19] = 1;
lights[44] = 1;
lights[51] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
case 1:
lights[40] = 1;
lights[55] = 1;
lights[72] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 2:
lights[8] = 1;
lights[23] = 1;
lights[40] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 3:
lights[86] = 1;
lights[105] = 1;
lights[118] = 1;
lights[137] = 1;
lights[150] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 4:
lights[10] = 1;
lights[21] = 1;
lights[42] = 1;
lights[53] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 5:
lights[85] = 1;
lights[106] = 1;
lights[117] = 1;
lights[138] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 6:
lights[215] = 1;
lights[232] = 1;
lights[247] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 7:
lights[9] = 1;
lights[22] = 1;
lights[41] = 1;
lights[54] = 1;
lights[73] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 8:
lights[138] = 1;
lights[149] = 1;
lights[170] = 1;
lights[181] = 1;
lights[202] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 9:
lights[151] = 1;
lights[168] = 1;
lights[183] = 1;
lights[200] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 10:
lights[202] = 1;
lights[213] = 1;
lights[234] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 11:
lights[72] = 1;
lights[87] = 1;
lights[104] = 1;
lights[119] = 1;
lights[136] = 1;
lights[151] = 1;
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
case 12:
lights[169] = 1;
lights[182] = 1;
lights[201] = 1;
lights[214] = 1;
lights[233] = 1;
lights[246] = 1;
if (readingahead == 1) {
//in the morning
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[140] = 1;
lights[147] = 1;
lights[172] = 1;
lights[179] = 1;
lights[204] = 1;
lights[211] = 1;
lights[236] = 1;
} else {
//in the afternoon
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[114] = 1;
lights[141] = 1;
lights[146] = 1;
lights[173] = 1;
lights[178] = 1;
lights[205] = 1;
lights[210] = 1;
lights[237] = 1;
lights[242] = 1;
case 13:
lights[40] = 1;
lights[55] = 1;
lights[72] = 1;
//in the afternoon
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[114] = 1;
lights[141] = 1;
lights[146] = 1;
lights[173] = 1;
lights[178] = 1;
lights[205] = 1;
lights[210] = 1;
lights[237] = 1;
lights[242] = 1;
case 14:
lights[8] = 1;
lights[23] = 1;
lights[40] = 1;
//in the afternoon
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[114] = 1;
lights[141] = 1;
lights[146] = 1;
lights[173] = 1;
lights[178] = 1;
lights[205] = 1;
lights[210] = 1;
lights[237] = 1;
lights[242] = 1;
case 15:
lights[86] = 1;
lights[105] = 1;
lights[118] = 1;
lights[137] = 1;
lights[150] = 1;
//in the afternoon
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[114] = 1;
lights[141] = 1;
lights[146] = 1;
lights[173] = 1;
lights[178] = 1;
lights[205] = 1;
lights[210] = 1;
lights[237] = 1;
lights[242] = 1;
case 16:
lights[10] = 1;
lights[21] = 1;
lights[42] = 1;
lights[53] = 1;
//in the afternoon
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[114] = 1;
lights[141] = 1;
lights[146] = 1;
lights[173] = 1;
lights[178] = 1;
lights[205] = 1;
lights[210] = 1;
lights[237] = 1;
lights[242] = 1;
case 17:
lights[85] = 1;
lights[106] = 1;
lights[117] = 1;
lights[138] = 1;
//in the afternoon
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[114] = 1;
lights[141] = 1;
lights[146] = 1;
lights[173] = 1;
lights[178] = 1;
lights[205] = 1;
lights[210] = 1;
lights[237] = 1;
lights[242] = 1;
case 18:
lights[215] = 1;
lights[232] = 1;
lights[247] = 1;
//in the evening
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[13] = 1;
lights[18] = 1;
lights[45] = 1;
lights[50] = 1;
lights[77] = 1;
lights[82] = 1;
lights[109] = 1;
case 19:
lights[9] = 1;
lights[22] = 1;
lights[41] = 1;
lights[54] = 1;
lights[73] = 1;
//in the evening
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[13] = 1;
lights[18] = 1;
lights[45] = 1;
lights[50] = 1;
lights[77] = 1;
lights[82] = 1;
lights[109] = 1;
case 20:
lights[138] = 1;
lights[149] = 1;
lights[170] = 1;
lights[181] = 1;
lights[202] = 1;
//in the evening
lights[116] = 1;
lights[139] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
lights[83] = 1;
lights[108] = 1;
lights[13] = 1;
lights[18] = 1;
lights[45] = 1;
lights[50] = 1;
lights[77] = 1;
lights[82] = 1;
lights[109] = 1;
case 21:
lights[151] = 1;
lights[168] = 1;
lights[183] = 1;
lights[200] = 1;
//at night
lights[148] = 1;
lights[171] = 1;
lights[12] = 1;
lights[19] = 1;
lights[44] = 1;
lights[51] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
case 22:
lights[202] = 1;
lights[213] = 1;
lights[234] = 1;
//at night
lights[148] = 1;
lights[171] = 1;
lights[12] = 1;
lights[19] = 1;
lights[44] = 1;
lights[51] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
case 23:
lights[72] = 1;
lights[87] = 1;
lights[104] = 1;
lights[119] = 1;
lights[136] = 1;
lights[151] = 1;
//at night
lights[148] = 1;
lights[171] = 1;
lights[12] = 1;
lights[19] = 1;
lights[44] = 1;
lights[51] = 1;
lights[76] = 1;
if (mode == 0 || mode == 2) {
switch (clockminute) {
case 0:
lights[11] = 1;
lights[20] = 1;
lights[43] = 1;
lights[52] = 1;
lights[75] = 1;
lights[84] = 1;
case 1:
lights[194] = 1;
lights[221] = 1;
lights[226] = 1;
//minute past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 2:
lights[162] = 1;
lights[189] = 1;
lights[194] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 3:
lights[185] = 1;
lights[198] = 1;
lights[217] = 1;
lights[230] = 1;
lights[249] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 4:
lights[5] = 1;
lights[26] = 1;
lights[37] = 1;
lights[58] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 5:
lights[131] = 1;
lights[156] = 1;
lights[163] = 1;
lights[188] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 6:
lights[61] = 1;
lights[66] = 1;
lights[93] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 7:
lights[4] = 1;
lights[27] = 1;
lights[36] = 1;
lights[59] = 1;
lights[68] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 8:
lights[3] = 1;
lights[28] = 1;
lights[35] = 1;
lights[60] = 1;
lights[67] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 9:
lights[132] = 1;
lights[155] = 1;
lights[164] = 1;
lights[187] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 10:
lights[2] = 1;
lights[29] = 1;
lights[34] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 11:
lights[89] = 1;
lights[102] = 1;
lights[121] = 1;
lights[134] = 1;
lights[153] = 1;
lights[166] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 12:
lights[6] = 1;
lights[25] = 1;
lights[38] = 1;
lights[57] = 1;
lights[70] = 1;
lights[89] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 13:
lights[133] = 1;
lights[154] = 1;
lights[165] = 1;
lights[186] = 1;
lights[197] = 1;
lights[218] = 1;
lights[229] = 1;
lights[250] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 14:
lights[5] = 1;
lights[26] = 1;
lights[37] = 1;
lights[58] = 1;
lights[69] = 1;
lights[90] = 1;
lights[101] = 1;
lights[122] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 15:
lights[1] = 1;
lights[30] = 1;
lights[33] = 1;
lights[62] = 1;
lights[65] = 1;
lights[94] = 1;
lights[97] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 16:
lights[61] = 1;
lights[66] = 1;
lights[93] = 1;
lights[98] = 1;
lights[125] = 1;
lights[130] = 1;
lights[157] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 17:
lights[4] = 1;
lights[27] = 1;
lights[36] = 1;
lights[59] = 1;
lights[68] = 1;
lights[91] = 1;
lights[100] = 1;
lights[123] = 1;
lights[132] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 18:
lights[3] = 1;
lights[28] = 1;
lights[35] = 1;
lights[60] = 1;
lights[67] = 1;
lights[92] = 1;
lights[99] = 1;
lights[124] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 19:
lights[132] = 1;
lights[155] = 1;
lights[164] = 1;
lights[187] = 1;
lights[196] = 1;
lights[219] = 1;
lights[228] = 1;
lights[251] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 20:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 21:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[194] = 1;
lights[221] = 1;
lights[226] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 22:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[162] = 1;
lights[189] = 1;
lights[194] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 23:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[185] = 1;
lights[198] = 1;
lights[217] = 1;
lights[230] = 1;
lights[249] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 24:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[5] = 1;
lights[26] = 1;
lights[37] = 1;
lights[58] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 25:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[131] = 1;
lights[156] = 1;
lights[163] = 1;
lights[188] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 26:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[61] = 1;
lights[66] = 1;
lights[93] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 27:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[4] = 1;
lights[27] = 1;
lights[36] = 1;
lights[59] = 1;
lights[68] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 28:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[3] = 1;
lights[28] = 1;
lights[35] = 1;
lights[60] = 1;
lights[67] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 29:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[132] = 1;
lights[155] = 1;
lights[164] = 1;
lights[187] = 1;
//minutes past
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 30:
lights[192] = 1;
lights[223] = 1;
lights[224] = 1;
lights[255] = 1;
lights[135] = 1;
lights[152] = 1;
lights[167] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
case 31:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[132] = 1;
lights[155] = 1;
lights[164] = 1;
lights[187] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 32:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[3] = 1;
lights[28] = 1;
lights[35] = 1;
lights[60] = 1;
lights[67] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 33:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[4] = 1;
lights[27] = 1;
lights[36] = 1;
lights[59] = 1;
lights[68] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 34:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[61] = 1;
lights[66] = 1;
lights[93] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 35:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[131] = 1;
lights[156] = 1;
lights[163] = 1;
lights[188] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 36:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[5] = 1;
lights[26] = 1;
lights[37] = 1;
lights[58] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 37:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[185] = 1;
lights[198] = 1;
lights[217] = 1;
lights[230] = 1;
lights[249] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 38:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[162] = 1;
lights[189] = 1;
lights[194] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 39:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[194] = 1;
lights[221] = 1;
lights[226] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 40:
lights[126] = 1;
lights[129] = 1;
lights[158] = 1;
lights[161] = 1;
lights[190] = 1;
lights[193] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 41:
lights[132] = 1;
lights[155] = 1;
lights[164] = 1;
lights[187] = 1;
lights[196] = 1;
lights[219] = 1;
lights[228] = 1;
lights[251] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 42:
lights[3] = 1;
lights[28] = 1;
lights[35] = 1;
lights[60] = 1;
lights[67] = 1;
lights[92] = 1;
lights[99] = 1;
lights[124] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 43:
lights[4] = 1;
lights[27] = 1;
lights[36] = 1;
lights[59] = 1;
lights[68] = 1;
lights[91] = 1;
lights[100] = 1;
lights[123] = 1;
lights[132] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 44:
lights[61] = 1;
lights[66] = 1;
lights[93] = 1;
lights[98] = 1;
lights[125] = 1;
lights[130] = 1;
lights[157] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 45:
lights[1] = 1;
lights[30] = 1;
lights[33] = 1;
lights[62] = 1;
lights[65] = 1;
lights[94] = 1;
lights[97] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 46:
lights[5] = 1;
lights[26] = 1;
lights[37] = 1;
lights[58] = 1;
lights[69] = 1;
lights[90] = 1;
lights[101] = 1;
lights[122] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 47:
lights[133] = 1;
lights[154] = 1;
lights[165] = 1;
lights[186] = 1;
lights[197] = 1;
lights[218] = 1;
lights[229] = 1;
lights[250] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 48:
lights[6] = 1;
lights[25] = 1;
lights[38] = 1;
lights[57] = 1;
lights[70] = 1;
lights[89] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 49:
lights[89] = 1;
lights[102] = 1;
lights[121] = 1;
lights[134] = 1;
lights[153] = 1;
lights[166] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 50:
lights[2] = 1;
lights[29] = 1;
lights[34] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 51:
lights[132] = 1;
lights[155] = 1;
lights[164] = 1;
lights[187] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 52:
lights[3] = 1;
lights[28] = 1;
lights[35] = 1;
lights[60] = 1;
lights[67] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 53:
lights[4] = 1;
lights[27] = 1;
lights[36] = 1;
lights[59] = 1;
lights[68] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 54:
lights[61] = 1;
lights[66] = 1;
lights[93] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 55:
lights[131] = 1;
lights[156] = 1;
lights[163] = 1;
lights[188] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 56:
lights[5] = 1;
lights[26] = 1;
lights[37] = 1;
lights[58] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 57:
lights[185] = 1;
lights[198] = 1;
lights[217] = 1;
lights[230] = 1;
lights[249] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 58:
lights[162] = 1;
lights[189] = 1;
lights[194] = 1;
//minutes to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[103] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
case 59:
lights[194] = 1;
lights[221] = 1;
lights[226] = 1;
//minute to
lights[7] = 1;
lights[24] = 1;
lights[39] = 1;
lights[56] = 1;
lights[71] = 1;
lights[88] = 1;
lights[184] = 1;
lights[199] = 1;
if (displayseconds == 1 && mode == 0) {
switch (clockseconds) {
case 0:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[111] = 1;
case 1:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[112] = 1;
case 2:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[143] = 1;
case 3:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[144] = 1;
case 4:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[175] = 1;
case 5:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[176] = 1;
case 6:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[207] = 1;
case 7:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[208] = 1;
case 8:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[239] = 1;
case 9:
lights[15] = 1;
lights[240] = 1;
case 10:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[111] = 1;
case 11:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[112] = 1;
case 12:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[143] = 1;
case 13:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[144] = 1;
case 14:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[175] = 1;
case 15:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[176] = 1;
case 16:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[207] = 1;
case 17:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[208] = 1;
case 18:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[239] = 1;
case 19:
lights[16] = 1;
lights[240] = 1;
case 20:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[111] = 1;
case 21:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[112] = 1;
case 22:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[143] = 1;
case 23:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[144] = 1;
case 24:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[175] = 1;
case 25:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[176] = 1;
case 26:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[207] = 1;
case 27:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[208] = 1;
case 28:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[239] = 1;
case 29:
lights[47] = 1;
lights[240] = 1;
case 30:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[111] = 1;
case 31:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[112] = 1;
case 32:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[143] = 1;
case 33:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[144] = 1;
case 34:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[175] = 1;
case 35:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[176] = 1;
case 36:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[207] = 1;
case 37:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[208] = 1;
case 38:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[239] = 1;
case 39:
lights[48] = 1;
lights[240] = 1;
case 40:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[111] = 1;
case 41:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[112] = 1;
case 42:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[143] = 1;
case 43:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[144] = 1;
case 44:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[175] = 1;
case 45:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[176] = 1;
case 46:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[207] = 1;
case 47:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[208] = 1;
case 48:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[239] = 1;
case 49:
lights[79] = 1;
lights[240] = 1;
case 50:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[111] = 1;
case 51:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[112] = 1;
case 52:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[143] = 1;
case 53:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[144] = 1;
case 54:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[175] = 1;
case 55:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[176] = 1;
case 56:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[207] = 1;
case 57:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[208] = 1;
case 58:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[239] = 1;
case 59:
lights[80] = 1;
lights[240] = 1;
void speedclock() {
for (clockhour = 0; clockhour < 23; clockhour++) {
for (clockminute = 0; clockminute < 60; clockminute++) {
for (clockseconds = 0; clockseconds < 60; clockseconds++) {
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
pixelcolor = strip.Color(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
strip.setPixelColor(i, pixelcolor); // Set pixel's color (in RAM)
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
if (lights[i] == 1) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, clockcolor); // Set pixel's color (in RAM)
strip.show(); // Update strip to match
delay(100); // Pause for a moment
// Rainbow cycle along whole strip. Pass delay time (in ms) between frames.
void rainbow(int wait) {
// Hue of first pixel runs 5 complete loops through the color wheel.
// Color wheel has a range of 65536 but it's OK if we roll over, so
// just count from 0 to 5*65536. Adding 256 to firstPixelHue each time
// means we'll make 5*65536/256 = 1280 passes through this outer loop:
for (long firstPixelHue = 0; firstPixelHue < 5 * 65536; firstPixelHue += 256) {
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
// Offset pixel hue by an amount to make one full revolution of the
// color wheel (range of 65536) along the length of the strip
// (strip.numPixels() steps):
int pixelHue = firstPixelHue + (i * 65536L / strip.numPixels());
// strip.ColorHSV() can take 1 or 3 arguments: a hue (0 to 65535) or
// optionally add saturation and value (brightness) (each 0 to 255).
// Here we're using just the single-argument hue variant. The result
// is passed through strip.gamma32() to provide 'truer' colors
// before assigning to each pixel:
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.gamma32(strip.ColorHSV(pixelHue)));
strip.show(); // Update strip with new contents
delay(wait); // Pause for a moment
// Rainbow-enhanced theater marquee. Pass delay time (in ms) between frames.
void theaterChaseRainbow(int wait) {
int firstPixelHue = 0; // First pixel starts at red (hue 0)
for (int a = 0; a < 30; a++) { // Repeat 30 times...
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++) { // 'b' counts from 0 to 2...
strip.clear(); // Set all pixels in RAM to 0 (off)
// 'c' counts up from 'b' to end of strip in increments of 3...
for (int c = b; c < strip.numPixels(); c += 3) {
// hue of pixel 'c' is offset by an amount to make one full
// revolution of the color wheel (range 65536) along the length
// of the strip (strip.numPixels() steps):
int hue = firstPixelHue + c * 65536L / strip.numPixels();
uint32_t color = strip.gamma32(strip.ColorHSV(hue)); // hue -> RGB
strip.setPixelColor(c, color); // Set pixel 'c' to value 'color'
strip.show(); // Update strip with new contents
delay(wait); // Pause for a moment
firstPixelHue += 65536 / 90; // One cycle of color wheel over 90 frames
void colorWipe(uint32_t color, int wait) {
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip...
strip.setPixelColor(i, color); // Set pixel's color (in RAM)
strip.show(); // Update strip to match
delay(wait); // Pause for a moment
void textanim() {
int x = matrix.width();
char yourText[64] = "5555555";
int pixelPerChar = 6;
int maxDisplacement;
maxDisplacement = strlen(yourText) * pixelPerChar + matrix.width();
clockhour = myTZ.hour();
clockminute = myTZ.minute();
clockseconds = myTZ.second();
String myHr;
myHr = String(clockhour);
String myMin;
myMin = String(clockminute);
if (myMin.length() == 1) {
myMin = "0" + String(clockminute);
String myTime;
myTime = myHr + ":" + myMin + " ";
for (int pass = 0; pass < 60; pass++) {
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
if (y & 1)
matrix.setPixelColor(15 - x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setPixelColor(x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setTextColor(matrix.Color(0, 0, 0));
//matrix.setCursor(-((millis() / 30) & 127) + 20, 4);
matrix.setCursor(x, 4);
if (--x < -maxDisplacement) {
x = matrix.width();
void textanim2() {
int x = matrix.width();
char yourText[64] = "Tick Tock";
int pixelPerChar = 6;
int maxDisplacement;
maxDisplacement = strlen(yourText) * pixelPerChar + matrix.width();
for (int pass = 0; pass < 150; pass++) {
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
if (y & 1)
matrix.setPixelColor(15 - x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setPixelColor(x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setTextColor(matrix.Color(0, 0, 0));
matrix.setCursor(-((millis() / 30) & 127) + 20, 4);
matrix.print(F("Tick Tock"));
void textanim3() {
int x = matrix.width();
char yourText[64] = "Word Clock";
int pixelPerChar = 6;
int maxDisplacement;
maxDisplacement = strlen(yourText) * pixelPerChar + matrix.width();
for (int pass = 0; pass < 80; pass++) {
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
matrix.setPixelColor(15 - x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
} else {
matrix.setPixelColor(x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setTextColor(matrix.Color(0, 0, 0));
//matrix.setCursor(-((millis() / 30) & 127) + 20, 4);
matrix.setCursor(x, 4);
matrix.print(F("Word Clock"));
if (--x < -maxDisplacement) {
x = matrix.width();
void textanim4() {
int x = matrix.width();
char yourText[64] = "Setting Saved";
int pixelPerChar = 6;
int maxDisplacement;
maxDisplacement = strlen(yourText) * pixelPerChar + matrix.width();
for (int pass = 0; pass < 100; pass++) {
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
matrix.setPixelColor(15 - x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
} else {
matrix.setPixelColor(x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setTextColor(matrix.Color(0, 0, 0));
//matrix.setCursor(-((millis() / 30) & 127) + 20, 4);
matrix.setCursor(x, 4);
matrix.print(F("Setting Saved"));
if (--x < -maxDisplacement) {
x = matrix.width();
void textanim5() {
int x = matrix.width();
char yourText[64] = "Settings";
int pixelPerChar = 6;
int maxDisplacement;
maxDisplacement = strlen(yourText) * pixelPerChar + matrix.width();
for (int pass = 0; pass < 70; pass++) {
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
matrix.setPixelColor(15 - x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
} else {
matrix.setPixelColor(x + y * 16, matrix.gamma32(matrix.ColorHSV((x + y) * 256 * 8 + i * 128 * 2)));
matrix.setTextColor(matrix.Color(0, 0, 0));
//matrix.setCursor(-((millis() / 30) & 127) + 20, 4);
matrix.setCursor(x, 4);
if (--x < -maxDisplacement) {
x = matrix.width();
The wifi manager is based on https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 tzapu
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
and also code from
ESP8266 Word Clock on 16x16 Led Matrix
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