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MV8114Everlight Electronics Co Ltd
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PFR05S-332-JNHDelta Electronics/Cyntec
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arduino IDEArduino
Integrated HOME Irrigation System
Since I left the university, 24 years ago, I haven't had the chance to update my knowledge in electronic, programming and moreover Apps development, under Android Platforms. As a way to catch up with these technologies, I decided to develop a Project that, at the end of the exercise, would add value to the home duties and be friendly with the environment; so I designed a Low cost irrigation System based on open technologies. I was inspired by the project developed by Mayooh Girish posted on Arduino Website.
My main challenges were:
To integrate the electronic boards and the devices, the software, and the hardware solution at low cost.
Make all the activities part of some fun time and as a new hobby
Design a solution safe for people, environment and the property itself.
General description
How does it works?
This Irrigation system is controlled from:
Local Push Button Commands
Local Keypad
SmartPhone- Android-GUI
Irrigation System electronic
APP control Inputs
You can run it on Local,Remote and Manual,Automatic modes
If you choose local mode you can open/close the Solenoid valve from the push button or the Keypad through specific keys assigned. Also you can choose the lapse of time (minutes) during which you need to perform the irrigation, and reset it, or if you prefer you can control the irrigation cycle yourself in manual mode .
Once it start with the command "open valve" you can see information about the flow and the system status on the LCD . I installed a low cost flowmeter in the flow line and it sends pulses to the Arduino Board Input.
Tip: Before defining the intervals of time to configure in the keypad and the Arduino code it is very important to perform "static flow measurement" of you water source.I recommend to use a plastic can with printed liters capacity indications and your phone Clock/Chronometer App.
To operate in remote mode I have developed an APP containing a Graphic User Interface which interconnect to my smartphone with Arduino Bluetooth module. This App was developing based on the sample APP of the Android Studio Denominated-BluetoothChat.
Bluetooth Activation
Paired devices/scan for devices - HC-05
Make Discoverable
From the GUI you can Read Information and write open/close commands to the Arduino and then to the Solenoid Valve.
This contributor teaches how to make an important "short cut" to test bluetooth communication based on the sample APP of Android Studio BluetoothChat. If you are trying with Similar Apps and HC-05 module this video could be very useful to save time and effort.
UUID for HC-05
The project was developed taking into account this WBS:
I explained my son the conceptual products ideas, he develop the draft logo for my prototype. After I decided to hire a Designer because as a product development process it needs an Image well defined ideas and a Logo. Here you can find the logo for the prototype and for the APP.
Product Development-Logo Design Version 3.0
The steps are:
Before starting your project execution you have to obtain a Concept and basic engineering design of the solution in order to avoid mistakes, accidents and wasting money in procurement.
Step 1:
Buy and assemble field hardware according to your site needs and your engineering design:
Hoses and accessories (length according to your irrigation outputs number)
Hoses and Accessories
Flow meters (according to your irrigation lines)
Flow Meter and accessories downstream of the solenoid valve
Solenoid valves (One per zone).
Remember these valves usually operate with a minimal flow and/or pressure
Solenoid Valve - Q.Min.: 5 L/min
1", 3/4" and 1/2" of diameter PVC pipes and accessories - if you have n zones I recommend to build a PVC Manifold and Installing an Inspection Box.
3/4" Cut Valves to make easy to isolate the zones in the future for maintenance. This Valve should be Installed upstream of each Solenoid Valve.
Cut Type Ball Valve- Installed upstream solenoid valve
Filters are mandatory installed upstream of the solenoid valves
Sprinklers - You can use generic, plastic, metal or micro aspersion system
Plastic Generic Sprinklers and Accessories
Step 2:
For an easy field testing, mounting and monitoring of the irrigation system use a standard PCB, soldier, and mount LEDs, 220 ohm resistors, HC-05 and cabling the signals for:
Open/Close Valve (PCB)
Local Mode (by PCB selector switch)
Remote Mode(by PCB selector switch)
Open valve (push Button&keypad&APP)
Close valve (push Button&keypad&APP)
Reset Time (Push Button&Keypad&APP)
Automatic irrigation time (Keypad&APP)
Power Inputs/Outputs:
We use one (1) power supply for the Arduino and one(1) for the other hardware
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Tx pin
Rx pin
Vdc pin
GND pin
PCB for easy testing, mounting and installing-Optional
You can maintain all this material in a breadboard as is shown the fritzing schematic diagram.
Variables for Arduino code are as follows:
Measurements report:
Irrigation Flow (LCD-serial monitor)
Irrigation cycle Time (LCD-serial Monitor)
Flow Line before accepting open commands interlock
AC power connection sequence interlock
Initial value of field Outputs interlock
Arduino Board Reset Field Outputs Interlock
It is necessary to define variables for Arduino code as follows:
Measurements report:
Irrigation Flow (LCD-serial monitor)
Irrigation cycle Time (LCD-serial Monitor)
Program Automatic safety Triggers:
Signals quality
Operation mode undefined
Irrigation Time out of parameters
Emergency shut down mechanism
Step 3: Interconnection
Interconnect, integrate all the electric and electronic hardware, device by device and start isolated tests. Safety recommendations are:
Output to field should be inhibited - zero water wasted
AC devices should be inhibited- Verify voltage presence/not voltage presence
Serial Monitor messages are useful to troubleshooting and diagnostics
Some Delays after critical functions are important to track right operation
Contingency plan should be clear before upload the software to arduino- AC fuses, quick disconnection mechanism, fire extinguisher, grounding connection check, and others.
Model Assembly for field testing
Step 4:
Compile and Upload Code to Arduino
Output to field should be inhibited - zero water wasted
Temporary or maintenance Serial Monitor messages are useful to troubleshooting and quick diagnostics
Some Delays after critical functions are important to track right operation
Upload Code to Arduino Mega-Output signals to Field Devices Inhibited
Step 5:
Test and Adjust field hardware, electronic and software
Step 6:
Enjoy customizing the local GUI
2x16_ LCD-Local GUI- IC connection(4wires)
Step 7:
Develop the APP modification to the amount of zones of the system and Upload the App from Android Studio to your Smartphone. In this case we have only one zone to control, but all is scalable to "n" zones.
Step 8:
Test and Adjust field hardware, electronic and software against smartPhone GUI
Initial draft interconnection of parts
Step 9:
To test and customize the GUI using Android Studio
System Stable Operation Time Recording
Ver. 0 APP GUI
Final Control Box - Engineer type Design
Final Ver. APP (using app inventor-spanish lang)
APP can be download from:
Step 10: Integrated tests and final adjustment of your system
Normally, you have to perform adjustments to your system during some period of time-(stability phase) . I used the keypad(C Key), and was included in the code a routine to check system stability and record time of continuous operation without any trouble. This is a report of continuous operation of the system without any critical event or alarm:
System Stable Operation Time Recording
Time Recording
Step 11: General description of the system
This video show the system description and operation modes.
English Version: Irrigation System_Aduino_Android_APP

Integrated HOME Irrigation System

Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
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