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MIT App InventorMIT
Arduino Based Table Tennis Robot V1 DIY
This project is about a TTR(Table Tennis Robot) made at home with cardboard and wood, using some electronics and Arduino. I found various videos and get inspired because the interactivity of this robot, the Table Tennis sport and the call to action this machine produce is awesome.
I am happy for this TTR DIY, and really gave me a lot of fun. Even I was looking for a lot of mechanics I tried to use arduino and electronics and one App, developed with MIT APP Inventor, as the Basis of Design.
Aesthetics and finishings could have deficiencies: a lot of glue, everywhere, some card board recycled, tapes and pieces on wood as simple as possible. Material cost estimated in 60US$.As always man labour cost is hard to estimate because I enjoy doing projects as hobbist.
Step 1:Survey, Check a lot of other TTR models availables on internet to establish a concept for design(Basis of Design)
TTR model 1
TTR model 2
TTR model 3
Step 2: To establish location for the balls feeder as center of the design- Stepper motor o motor with gears are options. I decided stepper, after check, for make easy the controls in the development (it is no as true and real as I was thinking at the start).
Balls feeder location
Ball feeder internal
Ball's path should be blocked
Glue and glue
Step 3: Define the outlet duct section location and capabilites to move left/right/center , be careful selecting this location because tangent is quite importat to avoid ball stucked and overload for the ball feeder motor. In this case,the oultet hole of the feeder was no correct and this request torque in excess to the stepper motor, producing stucking of balls.
outlet Duct
outlet duct strategy -failed!!
Duct cannot move lef right easily-even clear material is flexible
Balls stucked on oscilation mode
Step 4: Define strategy to move the section duct in order to get different directions of the ball. Wide Output angle for the ball will give us a lot of option to play with this TTR. However there is a angle limit constrained by de dimensions of the table and the location of the robot.
Piece of wood adhered to one FL004 bearing
Servo with a spring rigid give as the angle fixed and the oscilation mode
Step 5: Define motors location to produce the spin effect and launch the balls
Motors should have more than 12000 rpm
Motor are controlled by one H bridge
Step 6: Electronics
Power supply-Power Level reductor-Arduino UNO
Arduino Uno
Stepper motor Drive A4998
Bluetooth HC-05 module
H bridge to control the two launcher's motors
Step 7: Integration
The TTR is controlled by the electronics devices, arduino and one APP developed FFP(fit for porpuse)
TTR Integration
Step 8: APP
Surfing the APP V1.0
Step 9: Field Test ( A lot of fun and interactivity)
Action for Fun #1
No Table available
Action for Fun # 2
Kids practice
Action for Fun # 3 - Balls and more balls operations
Robot Operations-Running
Action for Fun # 4. Table
This is the video in a table ( training-Field tests)
Bill of Materials
(1) Arduino UNO
(2) dc motors 12v-12000 rpm
(1) servo Motor
(1) 5VDC realy module
(1) DC gear motor
(1)Bluetooth Module HC-05
(1) Power source - 12VDC-5 to 10 Amp
(1) L298 H Bridge
(1) Nema 17 stepper Motor
Jumpers, glue, screws and meditation
Paper Bucket
Wood for the structure and Base
//* Ping Pong Robot Inicio de codigo: version 1- Julio 28-2022 // * by hernando Bolaños // * // * 01-08-2022- servo variacion update //* Pruebas comunicaciones con APP //*15-08-2022 , agregar botones de iz-centro-derecha y random - reciben pero interfieren con servo en oscilación //*15-08-2022 -primeras pruebas de sliders- no operan correctamente con parseint() -debido a que estamos trabajando con multitasking //*29-08-2022 - Settings-segun pruebas - revisar problema de entrada en hibernacion del BTh ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////WARNING: DRAFT CODE////The robot must need adult supervision if are kids playing with it ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-- Zona de librerías -- // Comunicación serie por software #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //-- Zona de definiciones -- #define LED #define RX 11 #define TX 10 const int pinENA = 3; // Motor UP PWM const int pinIN1 = 2;// motor UP const int pinIN2 = 7; // Motor UP const int pinENB = 9;// Motor Down PWM const int pinIN3 = 8;//Motor Down const int pinIN4 = 13;//Motor Down const int speed = 250; //velocidad de giro 80% (200 de 255) const int speedoff = 0; //velocidad de giro 0% (0 de 255) long unsigned valor=0; //-- Zona de variables globales SoftwareSerial BT1(RX,TX); #define STEP_L 4 // pin STEP de A4988 a pin 4manejando la cara left del cubo #define DIR_L 5 // pin DIR de A4988 a pin 5 manejandola cara left del cubo #define ENAB 12 // pIN ENAB int pasos = 200; // LATERALES pasos 90 grados con motor Hanpose 17HS3430 : 1.8 grados por paso en condicion Full step- Se probo comportamiento en otras configuraciones de pasos int tiempo_step = 1800; //es invertido-entre menos es el valor mas rapido va el stepper a variar con HMI - microseconds -segun DS minimo tiempo permitido del step de motores 1 microsegundo // #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo int servo_angle = 90;//90 int servo_angle1 = 60;// valor para quedar en posicion central fija int variacion = 10;/// con esta variable se puede hacer mas lenta o mas rapida la osiclacion unsigned long startTime_servo = 0; unsigned long interval_servo = 1100;//t1100 int latchball = 0; int latchservo = 0; int latchup = 0; int latchdown =0; int latchservoizq =0; int latchservocen =0; int latchservoder =0; int latchservorandom =0; String dataIn = ""; int speedup=180; int speeddown=180; void setup() { pinMode(STEP_L, OUTPUT); // pin 4 como salida pinMode(DIR_L, OUTPUT); // pin 5 como salida pinMode(ENAB, OUTPUT); // pIN 12 como salida para driver A4998 pinMode(pinIN1, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinIN2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinENA, OUTPUT);//PWM pinMode(pinIN3, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinIN4, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinENB, OUTPUT);//PWM myservo.attach(6); // attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo object Serial.begin(9600); myservo.write(90); // usado al inicio para verificar si el servo esta activo myservo.write (0); // ir a posicion de inicio en el centro myservo.write(60); // usado al inicio para verificar si el servo esta activo BT1.begin(9600); char recibido=0; int i=0; } void loop() { unsigned currentTime = millis(); char recibido=0; //int speedup = 0; //int speeddown = 0; //Si se ha recibido un dato if(BT1.available()==true){ recibido=BT1.read(); //Se carga en la variable recibido Serial.print(recibido,0); //dataIn = BT1.readString(); //Serial.print(dataIn); // if (dataIn.startsWith ("s3")){ //String dataInS= dataIn.substring(2,dataIn.length()); //int speedup = dataInS.toInt();} //if (dataIn.startsWith ("s4")){ //String dataInS= dataIn.substring(2,dataIn.length()); //int speeddown = dataInS.toInt();} //Serial.print(speedup); //Serial.print(speeddown); } // if (recibido == 'A'){ int latchrobot = 1; Serial.print("Robot Activado"); } if (recibido == 'B'){ int latchrobot = 0; Serial.println("Robot Desactivado"); latchball = 0; //desenganchar latchservo =0; //desenganchar latchup=0;//desenganchar latchdown=0;//desenganchar latchservoizq=0;//desenganchar latchservoder=0;//desenganchar latchservocen=0;//desengachar digitalWrite(ENAB, HIGH); //aplicar Modo Disable del driver } if (recibido == 'C'){ latchball= 1;} if (recibido == 'D'){ latchball= 0;} if (recibido == 'E'){ latchup= 1;} if (recibido == 'F'){ latchup= 0;} if (recibido == 'G'){ latchdown= 1;} if (recibido == 'H'){ latchdown= 0;} if (recibido == 'I'){ latchservo = 1;} if (recibido == 'J'){ latchservo = 0;} if (recibido == 'Z'){ latchservoizq = 1;} if (recibido == 'W'){ latchservoizq = 0;} if (recibido == 'T'){ latchservocen = 1;} if (recibido == 'X'){ latchservocen = 0;} if (recibido == 'R'){ latchservoder = 1;} if (recibido == 'Y'){ latchservoder = 0;} if (recibido == 'M'){ latchservorandom = 1;} if (recibido == 'N'){ latchservorandom = 0;} //if (((valor >=20) and (valor <=25)) and(( latchup=1) and (latchdown =1) )){ const int speed=valor; Serial.print(speed);} // tomando trama de los slider up y down if (latchball == 1){ //Serial.print("Dispensar Bolas activado"); alimbolas(); //BT1.write('C'); } if (latchball == 0){ //Serial.println("parar Dispensar Bolas activado"); //BT1.write('D'); } if (latchservo == 1){ //Serial.print("Oscilar activado"); oscilar(); //BT1.write('I');} } if (latchservo == 0){ //Serial.println("Oscilar desactivado"); //BT1.write('J'); } if (latchup == 1){ uprob(); } if (latchup == 0){ upoff(); //Serial. println("Up desactivado) //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchdown == 1){ down(); } if (latchdown == 0){ downoff(); //Serial. println("Up desactivado) //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchservoizq== 1){ // int i=0; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { oscizq(); } if (i>=1){ latchservoizq == 0;} //Serial.println("Fijo en izquierda Activado"); //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchservoizq == 0){ //oscizqoff(); //Serial. println(" Fijo en ziquiera desActivado") //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchservocen== 1){ int i=0; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { osccentro(); } if (i>=1){ latchservocen == 0;} //Serial. println("Fijo en centro Activado"); //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchservocen == 0){ //osccentrooff(); //Serial. println(" Fijo en centro desaActivado) //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchservoder== 1){ int i=0; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { oscder(); } if (i>=1){ latchservoder == 0;} //Serial.println("Fijo en centro Activado"); //BTI.write(' '); } if (latchservoder == 0){ //oscderoff(); //Serial. println(" Fijo en centro desaActivado) //BTI.write(' '); } } void alimbolas()// alimenta bolas giando en sentido NCW { //Serial.print("Bolas NCW,"); digitalWrite(ENAB, LOW); // Modo Enable del driver digitalWrite(DIR_L, HIGH); // giro en sentido NCW for (int i = 0; i < pasos; i++) { // digitalWrite(STEP_L, HIGH); // nivel alto delayMicroseconds(tiempo_step); // por x mseg delayMicroseconds(tiempo_step); digitalWrite(STEP_L, LOW); // nivel bajo delayMicroseconds(tiempo_step); // por x mseg delayMicroseconds(tiempo_step); } } void oscilar() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(servo_angle); servo_angle = servo_angle + variacion; if (servo_angle == 150) servo_angle = 30; //Serial.println(servo_angle); } } void oscizq() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(160); //Serial.println(servo_angle); } } void oscder() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(0); } } void osccentro() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(90); } } void oscizqoff() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(90); //Serial.println(servo_angle); } } void oscderoff() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(90); } } void osccentrooff() //activa modo oscilar en el robot - izquierda a derecha { unsigned currentTime = millis(); //Serial.println("servo"); if (currentTime - startTime_servo >= interval_servo){ startTime_servo=currentTime; myservo.write(90); } } void uprob() // { //Serial.println("corriendo rutina UP,"); // Serial.println(speedup); digitalWrite(pinIN1, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinIN2, LOW); analogWrite(pinENA, speedup); //delay(1000); } void upoff() { //Serial.println("corriendo rutina upoff"); digitalWrite(pinIN1, LOW); digitalWrite(pinIN2, LOW); analogWrite(pinENA, speedoff); //delay(1000); } void down() { digitalWrite(pinIN3, LOW); digitalWrite(pinIN4, HIGH); analogWrite(pinENB, speeddown); //delay(1000); } void downoff() { digitalWrite(pinIN3, LOW); digitalWrite(pinIN4, LOW); analogWrite(pinENB, speedoff); //delay(1000); }

Arduino Based Table Tennis Robot V1 DIY

Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
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of course for this version, you can find and download the app from MIT app Inventor...please check here :https://gallery.appinventor.mit.edu/?galleryid=809aca68-299b-4c7c-8408-5d5e07075058. ....remind you need to be an user active of MIT to obtain the code.....very soon I will release the Version 2 of this robot-work in progress...good luck