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Robot Arm to implement CV projects
Four years ago I was looking for a good robot arm, this year I have time and decided to replicate the Dejan Project.
The STL files are perfect to 3D print locally, usin PLA and the default setting, the software need small adaptations, and the APP need some understanding to work and be modified properly.
The project has been full of fun and challenges.I recommend it a lot.
I need to design a new robot arm for a CV project, and this Robot Arm is a perfect Path to move ahead in the right way with a fast pace.
Servos calibration and grip operation were important steps with a lot of issues. Fortunatley I found a Fabri Creator , one youtube who adapta before thi s robot and share a learning curve very impressive about move quickly.
About the grip I had damages in 3 sg90 servos intslled in the Grip position, before clear some fails I had.
Tehcnical Issues
The open source information is aweome and work properly with minors changes, so you can move fast if decide t replicate. The STL files are very good with no problems
Why to Replicate a project
I think a big amount of knowledge is built based in previous knowledge, engineers do not reinvent Maths to solve a Problem, we use all the theories and finally we try to create something new. also this has been a source of knowledge in robotics focusing about how and what I need to check in the availbale books and bibliography.
#include <Servo.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(3, 4); // RX, TX Servo servo1; //BASE Servo servo2; //HOMBRO1 Servo servo3; //HOMBRO2 no se usa en este proyecto, la idea principal era usar 2 servos para HOMBRO Servo servo4; //CODO1 Servo servo5; //CODO2 Servo servo6; //MUÑECA Servo servo7; //GRIPPER //10rapido 15medio 20lento int s1Vel = 15; //BASE int s2Vel = 25; //HOMBRO int s4Vel = 20; //CODO1 int s5Vel = 20; //CODO2 int s6Vel = 15; //MUÑECA int s7Vel = 15; //GRIPPER int index=0; int velG=25; int s1Act,s2Act,s3Act,s4Act,s5Act,s6Act,s7Act; //posicion actual de los servos int s1Ant,s2Ant,s3Ant,s4Ant,s5Ant,s6Ant,s7Ant; //posicion anterior de los servos int s1[50],s2[50],s3[50],s4[50],s5[50],s6[50],s7[50]; //matrices para almacenas las posiciones de cada servo String bt,btS; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); Bluetooth.begin(9600); Bluetooth.setTimeout(10); servo1.attach(5,510,1200); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG996R base servo2.attach(11,650,1400); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG946R hombro1 servo3.attach(6,650,1400); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG946R hombro2 servo4.attach(7,650,1400); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG946R codo1 servo5.attach(8,650,1400); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG995 codo2 servo6.attach(9,800,1290); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG995 muneca servo7.attach(10,700,1290); //ancho min y max exclusivo para MG995 gripper s1Ant=90; //BASE servo1.write(s1Ant); //Importante empezar s2 y s3 complementados a 180°;es decir; s2+s3=180; s2Ant=100; //HOMBRO1 s3Ant=80; //HOMBRO2 servo2.write(s2Ant); servo3.write(s3Ant); s4Ant=115; //CODO1 servo4.write(s4Ant); s5Ant=60; //CODO2 servo5.write(s5Ant); s6Ant=90; //MUÑECA servo6.write(s6Ant); s7Ant=60; //GRIPPER servo7.write(s7Ant); delay(50); } void loop() { if(Bluetooth.available()>0){ bt = Bluetooth.readString(); // leemos cadena //////////////////////////// SERVO 1 - BASE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("s1")){ // comprueba si la cadena comienza con "s1" btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); // extraigo los caracteres desde la poisicion 2 en adelante ejem:"s1120" a "120" s1Act = btS.toInt(); //convierto de string a entero //MUEVO EL SERVOMOTOR CON UN BARRIDO if(s1Ant > s1Act){ for(int j=s1Ant; j>=s1Act; j--){ servo1.write(j); delay(s1Vel);}} else{ for(int j=s1Ant; j<=s1Act; j++){ servo1.write(j); delay(s1Vel);}} s1Ant = s1Act;} //el angulo movido(s1Act) se convierte en la posicion anterior //////////////////////////// SERVO 2 y 3 - HOMBRO 1 y 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("s2")){ btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); s2Act = btS.toInt(); Serial.println(s2Act); if(s2Ant > s2Act){ for(int j=s2Ant; j>=s2Act; j--){ servo2.write(j); servo3.write(180-j); delay(s2Vel);}} else{ for(int j=s2Ant; j<=s2Act; j++){ servo2.write(j); servo3.write(180-j); delay(s2Vel);}} s2Ant = s2Act;} //////////////////////////// SERVO 4 - CODO1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("s3")){ btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); s4Act = btS.toInt(); if(s4Ant > s4Act){ for(int j=s4Ant; j>=s4Act; j--){ servo4.write(j); delay(s4Vel);}} else{ for(int j=s4Ant; j<=s4Act; j++){ servo4.write(j); delay(s4Vel);}} s4Ant = s4Act;} //////////////////////////// SERVO 5 - CODO2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("s4")){ btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); s5Act = btS.toInt(); if(s5Ant > s5Act){ for(int j=s5Ant; j>=s5Act; j--){ servo5.write(j); delay(s5Vel);}} else{ for(int j=s5Ant; j<=s5Act; j++){ servo5.write(j); delay(s5Vel);}} s5Ant = s5Act;} //////////////////////////// SERVO 6 - MUÑECA ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("s5")){ btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); s6Act = btS.toInt(); Serial.println(s6Act); if(s6Ant > s6Act){ for(int j=s6Ant; j>=s6Act; j--){ servo6.write(j); delay(s6Vel);}} else{ for(int j=s6Ant; j<=s6Act; j++){ servo6.write(j); delay(s6Vel);}} s6Ant = s6Act;} //////////////////////////// SERVO 7 - GRIPPER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("s6")){ btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); s7Act = btS.toInt(); if(s7Ant > s7Act){ for(int j=s7Ant; j>=s7Act; j--){ servo7.write(j); delay(s7Vel);}} else{ for(int j=s7Ant; j<=s7Act; j++){ servo7.write(j); delay(s7Vel);}} s7Ant = s7Act;} //////////////////////////// SAVE ////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("SAVE")){ s1[index]= s1Ant; s2[index]= s2Ant; s4[index]= s4Ant; s5[index]= s5Ant; s6[index]= s6Ant; s7[index]= s7Ant; index++;} ///////////////////////// RESET /////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("RESET")){ //memset se utiliza para rellenar un bloque de memoria con un valor determinado //memeset("matriz","dato a rellenar","tamaño de la matriz") memset(s1,0,sizeof(s1)); //rellena con el valor de "0" todas las posiciones de la matriz memset(s2,0,sizeof(s2)); memset(s4,0,sizeof(s4)); memset(s5,0,sizeof(s5)); memset(s6,0,sizeof(s6)); memset(s7,0,sizeof(s7)); index=0;} //////////////////////////// RUN //////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(bt.startsWith("RUN")){ //Ejecuta los pasos una y otra vez hasta que se pulse el botón "RESET" o espera hasta que se vuelva a pulsar "RESET" while(bt.startsWith("RESET") != true){//MIENTRAS NO SE PRESIONE 'RESET' SE MANTIENE EN EL BUCLE y SOLO FUNCIONA BOTON "PAUSE" for(int i=0; i<= index-2;i++){ if(Bluetooth.available()>0){ bt = Bluetooth.readString(); if(bt.startsWith("PAUSE") == true){ //Ejecuta los pasos una y otra vez hasta que se pulse el botón "RUN" o espera hasta que se vuelva a pulsar "RUN" while(bt.startsWith("RUN") != true){//MIENTRAS NO SE PRESIONE 'RUN' SE MANTIENE EN EL BUCLE Y SOLO FUNCIONA BOTON "RESET" if(Bluetooth.available()>0){ bt = Bluetooth.readString(); if(bt.startsWith("RESET") == true){ break;} } } }//end if(PAUSE) if(bt.startsWith("ss")){ btS = bt.substring(2,bt.length()); velG = btS.toInt();} }//end 1er Bluetooth.available //////// SERVO 1 //////////////////////// if(s1[i] == s1[i+1]){} if(s1[i] > s1[i+1]){ for(int j = s1[i]; j >= s1[i+1];j--){ servo1.write(j); delay(velG);}} if(s1[i] < s1[i+1]){ for(int j = s1[i]; j <= s1[i+1];j++){ servo1.write(j); delay(velG);}} //////// SERVO 2 y 3 ///////////////////// if(s2[i] == s2[i+1]){} if(s2[i] > s2[i+1]){ for(int j = s2[i]; j >= s2[i+1];j--){ servo2.write(j); servo3.write(180-j); delay(velG);}} if(s2[i] < s2[i+1]){ for(int j = s2[i]; j <= s2[i+1];j++){ servo2.write(j); servo3.write(180-j); delay(velG);}} //////// SERVO 4 //////////////////////// if(s4[i] == s4[i+1]){} if(s4[i] > s4[i+1]){ for(int j = s4[i]; j >= s4[i+1];j--){ servo4.write(j); delay(velG);}} if(s4[i] < s4[i+1]){ for(int j = s4[i]; j <= s4[i+1];j++){ servo4.write(j); delay(velG);}} //////// SERVO 5 //////////////////////// if(s5[i] == s5[i+1]){} if(s5[i] > s5[i+1]){ for(int j = s5[i]; j >= s5[i+1];j--){ servo5.write(j); delay(velG);}} if(s5[i] < s5[i+1]){ for(int j = s5[i]; j <= s5[i+1];j++){ servo5.write(j); delay(velG);}} //////// SERVO 6 //////////////////////// if(s6[i] == s6[i+1]){} if(s6[i] > s6[i+1]){ for(int j = s6[i]; j >= s6[i+1];j--){ servo6.write(j); delay(velG);}} if(s6[i] < s6[i+1]){ for(int j = s6[i]; j <= s6[i+1];j++){ servo6.write(j); delay(velG);}} //////// SERVO 7 //////////////////////// if(s7[i] == s7[i+1]){} if(s7[i] > s7[i+1]){ for(int j = s7[i]; j >= s7[i+1];j--){ servo7.write(j); delay(velG);}} if(s7[i] < s7[i+1]){ for(int j = s7[i]; j <= s7[i+1];j++){ servo7.write(j); delay(velG);}} }// end FOR INDEX }//end 1er WHILE "RESET" } }//if(Bluetooth.available()>0){ }//end void loop
Robot Arm to implement CV projects

Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
ESP32-S3 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display Development Board, 800×480, 5-point Touch, 32-bit LX7 Dual-core Processor
Raspberry Pi 5 7 Inch Touch Screen IPS 1024x600 HD LCD HDMI-compatible Display for RPI 4B 3B+ OPI 5 AIDA64 PC Secondary Screen(Without Speaker)
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