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Home Automation With esp8266
IoT Based Home Automation Project using Google Firebase & NodeMCU ESP8266. One of the most common & popular hobby projects you will come across the internet is Home Automation Project. By Home Automation we mean controlling home appliances without a manual switch. When connected with the Internet, home devices are an important constituent of the Internet of Things (“IoT”) Application.
Earlier we learned about Home automation using Blynk Application, WebServer, Amazon Alexa & Arduino IoT cloud and also AWS IoT Core. But in this project we will use Google Firebase. Google Firebase is a Google-backed application development software used for creating, managing,and modifying data generated from any android/IOS application, web services, IoT sensors & Hardware. To learn more about the Google Firebase Console, you can read the official Google Firebase Documentation from Google Firebase.
We will design a Home Automation Android Application using MIT APP Inventor. Using the Firebase Host & Authentication Key, we will connect the Android Application with Google Firebase. We will then send the ON/OFF command as 1/0 from App. The data from the App is sent to Google Firebase. Now the Google Firebase data is updated to NodeMCU Board via Internet Connection. Thus the digital GPIO Pins becomes high & low turning ON/OFF the appliances connected to Relay.
Circuit Diagram & Connection
The circuit diagram for Google Firebase Based Home Automation using ESP8266 is given below. Using this circuit diagram you can assemble the circuit on Breadboard using 4 channel Relay and NodeMCU Board.
Home Automation PCB Gerber File & PCB Ordering Online
If you don’t want to assemble the circuit on breadboard and you want PCB for the project, then here is the PCB for you. The PCB Board for the Home Automation Project is designed using EasyEDA online Circuit Schematics & PCB designing tool.
Setting up Google Firebase Console Database
Now the main thing that we need to do is Setting up Google Firebase Console Database. Once the setup is done, we can then Send Real-Time Data from Android Application to Google Firebase.
But I won’t be explaining here how you can set up the Google Firebase Console Database because I have already explained the entire process in the previous tutorial. You can check the following tutorial to learn how to do the setup.
Getting Started with Google Firebase with ESP8266
You need Firebase Host & Authentication Token. These both parameters are required in Arduino Code as well as Firebase App.
Designing & Setting Up Android Application
Now we need to design an Android Application that can send data to Google Firebase. The easiest way to design an Android Application is using MIT App Inventor. The MIT APP Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either the connected phone or emulator. The App Inventor servers store your work and help you keep track of your projects.
I have simply designed an Interface for Home Automation project using Google Firebase. The App has 4 pairs on ON/OFF Switch to Send the 0 and 1 command to Google Firebase.
Adding Firebase & JSON Library to Arduino IDE
1. ArduinoJSON Library
So first go to the library manager and search for “JSON” & install the library as shown in the figure below.
Note: The latest JSON library might not work with the code. So you may need to downgrade the library to version v5.13.5
2. Google FirebaseExtended Library
Uploading Your Lua Script:
Follow these steps to send code to your ESP8266:
Connect your FTDI programmer and select your FTDI COM Port.
Set baud rate at 9600
Select NodeMCU+MicroPtyhon tab
Copy the your Lua script into ESPlorer and save your file with the name “init.lua”.
Upload to the ESP and Run on ESP.
Don’t forgot to change the SSID and Password to your Home WiFi Network.
Now you need to install Google Firebase library as well. So, download the library from below link and add it to Library folder after extraction.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <FirebaseArduino.h>
#define FIREBASE_HOST "**********" // Your Firebase Project URL
#define FIREBASE_AUTH "************" // Your Firebase Database Secret
#define WIFI_SSID "**************" // your WiFi SSID
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "********" // your WiFi PASSWORD
#define Relay1 12 //D6
int value1;
#define Relay2 14 //D2
int value2;
#define Relay3 4 //D1
int value3;
#define Relay4 5 //D5
int value4;
void setup()
while (WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED)
void firebasereconnect()
Serial.println("Trying to reconnect");
void loop()
if (Firebase.failed())
Serial.print("setting number failed:");
value1=Firebase.getString("S1").toInt(); //Reading the Status of Variable 1 from the firebase
Serial.println("Relay 1 ON");
else if(value1==0)
Serial.println("Relay 1 OFF");
value2=Firebase.getString("S2").toInt(); //Reading the Status of Variable 2 from the firebase
Serial.println("Relay 2 ON");
else if(value2==0)
Serial.println("Relay 2 OFF");
value3=Firebase.getString("S3").toInt(); //Reading the Status of Variable 3 from the firebase
Serial.println("Relay 3 ON");
else if(value3==0)
Serial.println("Relay 3 OFF");
value4=Firebase.getString("S4").toInt(); //Reading the Status of Variable 4 from the firebase
Serial.println("Relay 4 ON");
else if(value4==0)
Serial.println("Relay 4 OFF");

Home Automation With esp8266
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